Veteran & Military Student Success FAQ
Why haven’t I been certified yet?
Certification is the school’s way of notifying Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) that you are enrolled. You must submit a Certification Request Form, every semester, in order to be certified to DVA for payment. You should allow us 5 working days to process your Certification Request Form. Failure to submit requested documents could result in possible delays.
Why haven’t I been paid yet?
Did you submit your Certification Request Form (CRF), to our office, for this semester? How long ago were you certified? If you attend school using Chapter 30, 1606 or 1607 benefits, did you verify your enrollment at the end of each month - using the or calling IVR?
If you have allowed sufficient time, and still have not received a check or direct deposit, contact the VA through any of these options:
I have to withdraw from school after the add/drop period. What are the VA’s rules regarding these types of withdrawals? What about auditing a class?
When a student terminates or reduces after the drop period, a non-punitive grade is assigned and must be reported to VA. If mitigating circumstances occurred, please let Â黨µ¼º½'s VA Office know immediately. If no evidence of mitigating circumstances is received, VA will not pay for the course(s) in question. If the student has already been paid for the course(s), VA will create an overpayment from the beginning of the term.
Examples of Mitigating Circumstances:
- An illness or death in the student’s immediate family.
- An illness of injury afflicting the student during the enrollment period.
- An unavoidable change in the student’s conditions of employment.
- An unavoidable geographical transfer, resulting from the student’s employment.
- Immediate family or financial obligations, beyond the student’s control that require him/her to suspend pursuit of the program and obtain employment.
- Unanticipated active military service, including active duty for training.
- Unanticipated difficulties with childcare arrangements.
Our office must also report audited classes as withdrawals. Please contact our office if you are considering withdrawing or auditing a class, so we may explain the impact.
How does military activation impact my benefits and financial obligation to Murray State University?
For VA Education Benefits, military activation is considered mitigating circumstances. We must receive documentation, so we may report to VA that mitigating circumstances occurred. Please reference Â黨µ¼º½'s Registrar's webpage.
What happens if I fail a course?
When an instructor reports a failing grade, they must also report a last day of attendance. If it is apparent that the student actually completed the class (by staying until the end and taking the final), then we do not have to report the change to VA. If the last day of attendance reported indicates that the student stopped attending class, the grade must be reported. This will usually result in a student-incurred debt, owed to VA. VA will not pay for classes that students stop attending.