
Chemistry Major with Secondary Certification

Students desiring the Bachelor of Arts degree in Chemistry must take two years (four semester classes) of a foreign language. No foreign language is required for students seeking a Bachelor of Science degree; however, the study of German or Russian will be helpful to students seeking a career in research.

A total of 127 - 132 semester hours is required for the baccalaureate degree in Chemistry with a secondary area of specialization. Schedule electives to satisfy general education requirements.

Electives should be chosen to complete the requirement for a minor in another discipline. Students are encouraged to begin work on a minor by at least the sophomore year. Schedule electives to complete the University Studies requirements and provide 127 - 132 semester hours for the baccalaureate degree.

One minor is required for a B.A. or B.S. degree.

Suggested Curriculum Sequence

First Semester (16 credit hours)

  • CHE 100 Transitions (1 credit hour)

  • CHE 201 General College Chemistry (5 credit hours)

  • EDU 103 Introduction to Education (3 credit hours)
    With a grade C or better.

  • ENG 105 Critical Reading, Writing and Inquiry (4 credit hours)

  • COM 161 Introduction to Public Speaking (3 credit hours)

Second Semester (16 credit hours)

  • CHE 202 General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis (5 credit hours)

  • EDP 260 Psychology of Human Development (3 credit hours)

  • MAT 250 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (5 credit hours)

  • Minor Course (3 credit hours)

Third Semester (17 credit hours)

  • CHE 305 Analytical Chemistry (5 credit hours)

  • CHE 312 Organic Chemistry I (5 credit hours)

  • EDU 303 Strategies of Teaching (3 credit hours)

  • PHY 130/131 General Physics I (4 credit hours)
    Students pursuing a Physics minor may substitute PHY 235/236 and 255/256 for PHY 130/131 and 132/133.

Fourth Semester (16 credit hours)

  • CHE 320 Organic Chemistry II (3 credit hours)

  • PHY 132/133 General Physics II (4 credit hours)
    Students pursuing a Physics minor may substitute PHY 235/236 and 255/256 for PHY 130/131 and 132/133.

  • CIV 201/202 World Civilizations I or II (3 credit hours)

  • SED 300 Education of Students with Disabilities (3 credit hours)

  • Minor Course (3 credit hours)

Fifth Semester (14 credit hours)

  • HUM 211 Western Humanities Traditions: Continuity (3 credit hours)

  • CHE 352 Basic Chemical Instrumentation (4 credit hours)

  • CSC 199 Introduction to Information Technology (3 credit hours)
    With a grade C or better.

  • CHE 120 Chemical Lab Safety (1 credit hour)

  • Minor Course (3 credit hours)

Sixth Semester (14 credit hours)

  • CHE 403 Basic Physical Chemistry (5 credit hours)

  • COM 372 Communication in the Educational Environment (3 credit hours)

  • Minor Courses (6 credit hours)

Seventh Semester (11 credit hours)

  • EDU 403 Structures and Foundations of Education (2 credit hours)

  • SEC 420 Practicum in Secondary School (2 credit hours)

  • EDU 405 Evaluation and Measures in Education (2 credit hours)

  • Minor Courses (6 credit hours)

Eighth Semester (17 credit hours)

  • SEC 421 Student Teaching in the Secondary School (14 credit hours)

  • EDU 422 Student Teaching Seminar (3 credit hours)

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