
B.A./B.S. Teaching Certification Option

BA/BS: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science

CIP 500702

Accreditations: National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD); Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP); Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board

Graduation Requirements

Certification requires a minimum grade of B in ART 341, ART 342, COM 161, EDU 280, ENG 105, HUM 180, and MAT 117 or higher (or equivalent courses). Additional requirements for admission to teacher education and student teaching must be met. See advisor and/or Office of Teacher Education Services for details.

The baccalaureate degree is not awarded automatically upon completion of any required number of courses or units of credit. The progress and status of students in the program are regularly assessed through reviews. All students are required to register for ART 298 the semester after they complete 21 studio credit hours of ART courses. A final review, ART 499, is conducted by faculty jury in conjunction with fulfilling the senior BA/BS Practicum Exhibition requirement. 

ART 342 and SEC 420 must be taken two semesters before student teaching.

EDU 485 and SEC 422 must be taken one semester before student teaching.

Specifically Required University Studies

Complete the following:
ART211 - A Survey of Art from Antiquity to the Baroque (3)
ART212 - A Survey of Art from the Enlightenment to the Present (3)
ART213 - Art of Global Cultures (3)

Grand Total Credits: 9

Specialization Requirements

Complete all of the following

Complete the following:
ART100T - Transitions (1)
ART101 - Drawing I: Introduction to Drawing (3)
ART111 - Studio Practice (3)
ART112 - Studio Research (3)
ART201 - Drawing II: Life Drawing (3)
ART298 - Mid-Degree Review Seminar (1)
ART330 - Introduction to Painting I (3)
ART399 - Professional Practices (1)
ART499 - BA/BS Practicum Group Exhibit (1)

Complete at least 2 of the following:
ART300 - Drawing III (3)
ART350 - Introduction to Graphic Design I: Digital Art (3)
ART379 - Introduction to Printmaking I (3)
ART382 - Introduction to Photography (3)
ART385 - Video I (3)
ART393 - Special Topics in 2D (3)
ART397 - Introduction to Bookbinding and Artist Books (3)

Complete at least 3 of the following:
ART309 - Introduction to Metalsmithing I (3)
ART310 - Introduction to Woodworking I (3)
ART360 - Introduction to Sculpture (3)
ART370 - Introduction to Ceramics (3)
ART385 - Video I (3)
ART394 - Special Topics in 3D (3)
ART397 - Introduction to Bookbinding and Artist Books (3)

Complete at least 1 of the following:
ART315 - Greek and Roman Art (3)
ART316 - Medieval Art (3)
ART318 - Renaissance Art (3)
ART319 - Baroque Art (3)
ART328 - Nineteenth-Century Art (3)
ART329 - Art from 1900 to 1960 (3)
ART420 - Special Topics in Art History (3)
ART425 - Arts of Africa and Asia (3)
ART430 - Art Since 1960 (3)
ART491 - Special Problems in Art History (3)

Complete at least 6 credits from the following types of courses: Two sequential courses in the same studio emphasis, above the introductory level, with advisor approval

Teaching Certification Track Courses:

Earn a minimum grade of B in the following:
ART341 - Inclusive Art Education for Diverse Learners (3)
ART342 - Effective Pedagogy of Art Education (3)
EDU280 - Educating for Human Development (3)
EDU485 - Professional Perspectives for Teaching (1)
HUM180 - Explore Teaching in the Humanities (3)

Complete the following:
ART343 - Materials and Techniques for the Classroom (3)
ELE421 - Student Teaching Elementary P-5, IECE (7 - 14)
SEC420 - Practicum in Secondary Schools (3)
SEC421 - Student Teaching in the Secondary School (7 - 14)
SEC422 - Extended Practicum (4)

Grand Total Credits: 80 - 94

Note: The requirements listed above are an example of what is applicable to most students entering Â黨µ¼º½ at the present time. Criteria as they may relate to individual students may vary. The primary source is the Academic Bulletin applicable at the time of the student enrollment. 


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