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Depending on the hazards that may be associated with a confined space, it is classified either as 1) a permit-required confined space, also called a permit space; or 2) a non-permit-required confined space, also called a non-permit space. Permit spaces are so called because they contain additional hazards, and permits must be developed for the safe entry, exit and work in these spaces. Non-permit spaces warrant special consideration, but do not require permits unless the work done in the space creates a hazard. These classifications are defined more fully below: Permit space means an area that meets the definition of a confined space and that has one or more of the following characteristics: Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere; or Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant; or Has an internal configuration so that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by means of inwardly converging walls or by a floor that slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-section; or Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard. Examples of permit spaces at MSU include: Sump pits greater than 4 feet deep (due to potential atmospheric hazards, and also engulfment, mechanical or electrical hazards). Fuel tanks (due to atmospheric hazards). Boilers (due to atmospheric, electrical, and mechanical hazards). Irrigation system manhole pits (due to potential atmospheric hazards). Miscellaneous tanks (due to potential atmospheric hazards). Grain bins (due to engulfment hazards). Non-permit space means an area that meets the definition of a confined space but that does not have any of the additional characteristics associated with a permit space. Examples of non-permit spaces at MSU include: Crawl spaces above the ceiling and under the floor Pipe chases Pits less than four feet deep Mechanical rooms with restricted access Supply side of air handling systems with no mechanical hazards (i.e., close proximity to rotating fan blades) A space that is normally classified as a non-permit space can become a permit space if the attributes of the space change; or, if the work to be done in the space creates one of the hazards that are characteristic of a permit space. For example, work with a flammable or toxic chemical in a space that is normally a non-permit space can make that space a permit space for the duration of the project. The MSU Confined Space Program establishes procedures and provides tools for employees to evaluate confined spaces and the work to be conducted within the space to determine if a permit is required. This program establishes procedures for issuing permits and providing training to employees so they can recognize both non-permit and permit spaces. It also provides mechanisms for reclassifying permit spaces to non-permit spaces so that a permit is not necessary for entry. The steps required to conduct a safe entry increase with the greater complexity or hazards in a given space. To help those departments affected by the Confined Space Program, many tools and pre-written entry procedures have been included in the MSU Confined Space Program. For example, procedures for work in steam tunnels are included in this program, as are boiler entry procedures. There are also Alternate Entry Procedures in Appendix G, for generic entries into permit spaces where the only hazard posed, atmospheric hazard, can be eliminated through continuous ventilation of the space. Other important procedures to be aware of include the Atmospheric Testing Procedures in Appendix E and the Permit Space Entry Procedures in Appendix F. The Atmosphere Testing Procedures are designed to detect potentially hazardous atmospheres in permit spaces and non-permit spaces where it is suspected that conditions may have changed. These procedures are also used to verify that engineering controls in permit spaces have been effective in controlling the hazard. The Permit Space Entry Procedures describe the steps that must be taken to conduct a safe and lawful entry into areas designated as permit spaces. There are many other tools provided in the appendices to the MSU Confined Space Program. These tools are intended to guide users in properly assessing, testing, and entering confined spaces. As an example, the preliminary hazard assessment form guides users in identifying hazards associated with a particular space. The remainder of this written program more fully describes the operation of the MSU Confined Space Program. 1.1 Policy All persons involved with the confined space entry program at MSU must have appropriate training and follow the procedures outlined in this document for safe entry and work in confined spaces. 1.2 Application This program applies to all campus facilities where there is a need to perform any activity in a confined space. More specifically, this program applies to all departments that have jurisdiction over employees or contract employees who enter confined spaces. Contractors operating on MSU property are required to comply with all applicable provisions of OSHA's Confined Space regulations. Contractors must comply with the provisions of MSUs program only when making joint entries with MSU staff. 1.3 Regulatory Authority The development and implementation of the MSU Confined Space Program is in accordance with the regulations of the OSHA Confined Space Standard, 29 CFR 1910.146. All state and federal regulations relating to procedures in this document are on file in the MSU Environmental Safety and Health (ESH) office and are available for review. 1.4 Glossary Terms used in this document can be found in Appendix A. Program Elements This program is designed to ensure safe entry and work in permit and non-permit spaces at MSU through: Identification and classification of confined spaces (Section 2.1). Posting of spaces (Section 2.2). Identified permit spaces may or may not be posted, depending on the likelihood of the space being entered. Posted spaces have caution signs with a space identification number and a telephone number to call prior to entry. Designation of Confined Space Entry Supervisors (CSESs), Authorized Entrants, and Authorized Attendants (Section 2.3). Training of MSU employees who may encounter and/or enter confined spaces (Section 2.4). Conducting pre-entry assessments of confined spaces to determine current conditions and proper classification of the space based on work to be conducted (Section 2.5). Determination of appropriate entry procedures applicable if the space is a permit space, as determined from the pre-entry assessment (Section 2.6). General controls for safe entry of both non-permit and permit spaces (Section 2.7). Coordination with contractors who may enter confined spaces (Section 2.8). Emergency rescue contingency plans (Section 2.9). Periodic review and revision of the MSU Confined Space Program (Section 2.10). Identification And Classification Of Confined Spaces An initial inventory of Confined Spaces located on 黨 properties has been prepared by ESH with the cooperation of individual departments. This inventory identifies spaces that meet the definition of a confined space and further classifies these spaces as permit spaces or non-permit spaces. For each type of space evaluated (e.g., pipe chases, pits, etc.), a Space Assessment Profile (SAP) has been prepared that provides additional information about common attributes or hazards associated with that type of space. Each type of space has an assigned SAP code, a list of which is provided in Appendix B. The SAP details the decision logic used to classify types of spaces as a permit or non-permit spaces. The SAP describes potential hazards associated with a type of space, appropriate personal protective equipment, whether the spaces have been posted, and data from previous atmospheric hazards testing. SAP information can help Confined Space Entry Supervisors assess spaces and determine appropriate entry procedures. The SAP information is available from ESH. It is the responsibility of departments to provide information to ESH if the use, configuration, or condition of a space their employees enter has changed, or if new confined spaces or potential confined spaces are identified or added. ESH will use this information to update the Confined Space Inventory. Posting Requirements and Signage Permit spaces are listed on the MSU Confined Space Inventory. Many permit spaces are labeled, but some are not. Spaces that can be readily entered are required to have caution signs. These labeled, permit spaces have a yellow and black caution sign that states: CAUTION CONFINED SPACE NO._______ ENTRY PERMIT-REQUIRED. CALL_________ The unique space I.D. number (no.) on the sign references the information regarding that space in the Confined Space Inventory. The telephone number on the sign is to a central location that must be called to initiate the process of safe entry into the confined space. Missing or damaged signs should be reported promptly to ESH. Not all permit spaces are posted. Permit spaces are not posted where it is not practical to post signs at the entrance and the space is secured from unauthorized entry. Examples of such spaces include electrical vaults and manholes. Permit spaces are also not posted where the space is easily identified and unlikely to be entered because of difficult entry (e.g., a water tank). MSU employees will be trained to identify these spaces and not to enter them unless authorized and properly trained on entry procedures. Designation of Entrants, Attendants and Entry Supervisors When it is necessary to enter a permit space, several individuals will be involved: confined space entry supervisors, authorized entrants, and authorized attendants. The confined space entry supervisor (CSES) conducts most of the up-front work in preparation for entry into a confined space. This person is responsible to ensure that the space is evaluated and appropriate entry procedures are selected prior to entry. ESH will, upon request, function as the CSES for those departments that enter confined spaces infrequently. Departments that enter confined spaces on a routine and frequent basis will need to designate one or more individuals from their department to serve as CSESs. Responsibilities of the CSES are more fully described in Section 3.3. Authorized employees who actually bodily enter confined spaces are called entrants. To ensure the safety of the authorized entrants, attendants are stationed at the entrance to a confined space. The roles of attendants and entrants are fully described in Sections 3.4, and 3.5, respectively. Departments must determine which employees will serve as authorized entrants and attendants and must ensure that these employees are trained in accordance with Section 2.4. Training There are three sections of the Confined Space Training program: Awareness Training; Permit Space Entry Training; and Permit Space Specific Training. A list of training topics for each section of training is provided in Appendix C. Awareness training is provided to all individuals who may encounter or enter non-permit or permit spaces as part of their assigned duties, and their supervisors. This training is designed to provide participants with an overview of confined space issues. All maintenance workers at MSU and any additional staff identified by ESH who may encounter confined spaces as a routine part of their work, regardless of whether they enter such spaces, must receive confined space awareness training. Permit space entry training is designed for those individuals who may be required to participate in the entry of a permit space, including CSESs, entrants, and attendants. Designated employees must participate in this training session, which includes coverage of the provisions of the OSHA Confined Space Standard and the MSU Confined Space Program. This training is provided or arranged for through ESH. ESH maintains associated training records and provides copies to participants and their respective departments. Permit space specific training is to be provided to authorized entrants and attendants by the CSES at the following frequency: Prior to the first entry to a specific permit space; and When personnel are assigned a new task or duty in or associated with a space for which they have not been trained; and When a new hazard is introduced or recognized in a given permit space. Permit space specific training must include the specific operations, safety equipment, monitoring equipment, emergency procedures, and other precautions for entry into the space. The CSES is required to generate, collect, and maintain records of space specific training. ESH will maintain such records only when acting in the capacity of the CSES on behalf of the department. The permit space specific training section of Appendix C is a tool that can be used by CSESs to ensure that the training they provide is adequate. All training records shall include the trained employee's name, trainer's signature or initials and the date(s) and content of training. For space-specific training, the entry permit can be used to document training. Confined Space Pre-Entry Assessment Because conditions associated with confined spaces can change over time, precautions should be taken prior to entering all confined spaces, including non-permit spaces. The pre-entry assessment is the tool that is used to detect changed conditions and to ensure safe entry into non-permit and permit spaces. Appendix D includes a flow chart that illustrates the pre-entry assessment procedures described in this section. Form ESH-CSP-01, Pre-Entry Hazard Assessment, provides a format for conducting a pre-entry hazard assessment. The pre-entry assessment is basically a thought and information-gathering process used to determine the status of the space prior to entry within the context of the work to be performed in the space. The employee that plans to enter and work in the confined space makes the initial pre-entry assessment by first determining whether the required task(s) can be accomplished from outside of the space using alternate technology or locations for work on a system. If the work can be conducted without entering the space, it should be accomplished as such and the provisions of the Confined Space Program are not initiated at all. If the space must be entered, the next step for the employee is to determine if the space has been designated as a permit space. There are two easy ways to determine if a space has been designated as a permit space. The first is by looking for a sign. If the space has been posted with a caution sign, it is a permit space, and the employee must call the telephone number on the sign to initiate the entry process. Since some permit spaces are not labeled, looking for a sign cannot be the only method used. If the space does not have a sign, and the employee does not know the status of a given space through previous training, they must contact their supervisor or ESH to obtain the space status (non-permit or permit). The pre-entry assessment for all permit spaces is to be conducted by the CSES using procedures in Section 2.6, and the employee may not enter the space until the assessment is completed. If the space has been designated as a non-permit space, the employee must be aware that the space could become a permit space if the work that they will be doing within the space introduces a new hazard; or if space conditions have changed substantially since the initial space assessment. The employee must contact their supervisor to arrange for a full pre-entry space assessment by a CSES if: There is evidence the configuration of the space has changed. There is evidence a new hazard may be present (e.g. an unusual odor in the space or uninsulated electrical wiring). The work the employee must do in the space will introduce a serious safety or health hazard. The employee has any concerns about the entry. If none of these conditions apply, a full pre-entry assessment is not required, and the employee may proceed to do work in the non-permit space, taking appropriate general safety precautions. If, however, one of these conditions exists, the employee must contact their supervisor because a full pre-entry assessment must be done by a CSES prior to entry. When a full pre-entry assessment is used by the CSES to establish appropriate entry procedures for a non-permit space, the complexity of the entry procedures will depend on the hazards identified through the pre-entry assessment process and the final classification of the space. If the CSES determines immediately prior to the entry that the non-permit space does not exhibit any of the characteristics of a permit space and the work to be done will not introduce a hazard requiring a permit-entry, then the entry may proceed with general work safety precautions. In this case, a permit or other written documentation is not necessary. If however, the CSES determines that the space does exhibit one or more characteristics of a permit space, then the procedures detailed in Section 2.6 must be followed. Permit Space Entry Procedures There are several outcomes possible regarding a permit space entry as determined by the pre-entry hazard assessment. The flowchart in Appendix D, as described in Section 2.5, also provides an overview of these options. If there is no atmospheric hazard, and all other hazards can be eliminated from outside of the space prior to entry into the space, the space may be reclassified as a non-permit space. Pre-Entry Hazard Assessment Form can be used to reclassify a permit space to non-permit status. Appendix E describes atmosphere testing procedures to be used to determine whether an atmospheric hazard is present. If the only hazard is an actual or potential atmospheric hazard that can be eliminated or controlled by forced ventilation of the space, alternate entry procedures may be used. Appendix G describes alternate entry procedures. Alternate Entry Procedures Certification can be used to develop space-specific alternate entry procedures based on the pre-entry hazard assessment data. If an atmospheric hazard is present with any other hazard, or if any hazards are present that cannot be eliminated from outside the space, then permit entry procedures must be used. General permit entry procedures are described in Appendix F. When using the permit entry procedures in Appendix F, the CSES must modify the general procedures provided to account for the actual or potential hazards of the space as identified in the pre-entry assessment. Appendix E describes atmosphere testing procedures that must be followed before entry into any permit space. Permit Form for Permit Space Entry can be used to develop a space-specific permit based upon the pre-entry hazard assessment data. Special procedures for entry into steam tunnels are described in Appendix H and special procedures for entry into boilers are described in Appendix I. Guidance for entries into sump pits and landscape irrigation system pits is provided in Appendix J. Guidance for electrical vault entries is provided in Appendix K. General Safety Precautions For All Confined Spaces Regardless of whether the entry is to a non-permit or a permit space, certain safety precautions should be observed. The following subsections describe those general safety precautions applicable to all spaces. Acceptable Air Quality Acceptable air quality, as defined in Appendix A, shall be maintained when working in a confined space. If it is not possible to maintain an acceptable air quality, additional precautions will be required, as detailed below under Section 2.7.3. Many of these precautions will be detailed by the CSES if the space is a permit space. In any case, the associated hazards of the space should have been identified through the pre-entry assessment. Ventilation For some confined space entries, additional ventilation will be required. Ventilation will be needed if, during confined space entry and occupancy, there is potential for atmospheric conditions in the confined space to move out of acceptable ranges as defined in this program. (See definition of Acceptable Air Quality in Appendix A.) Exhaust ventilation equipment used in confined spaces shall be rated for use in potentially explosive atmospheres when there is any possibility that the atmosphere may contain flammable or combustible substances. Supply ventilation equipment (excluding ductwork) used in confined spaces shall be rated for use in potentially-explosive atmospheres if the mechanical components (fan, motor, etc.) are to be placed within the confined space when there is any possibility that the atmosphere may contain explosive, flammable, or combustible substances. The source of air supplied to confined spaces must be provided from a location that is free from contaminants. Where ventilation is not possible or feasible, alternative protective measures shall be used to protect entrants. This will be jointly determined by the Confined Space Entry Supervisor and ESH prior to authorizing entry. See Section 2.7.3. Work In Contaminated Atmospheres Confined spaces that cannot be confirmed as free of dangerous air contamination or oxygen deprivation, shall not be entered by MSU employees unless additional precautions are taken. ESH shall be contacted prior to entry. Additional precautions that may be needed include: Evaluation to determine possible methods for completing the task without entering the space. (For example: Can a valve be extended to operate from outside of the space? Can a gauge be moved to read remotely? Can tools on extension rods be used to complete the task?) Ventilation of the space to relieve any atmosphere that exceeds 10 % of the LEL for a flammable or combustible contaminant. Exhaust ventilation equipment used shall be listed or rated for use in flammable or combustible atmospheres by a nationally recognized testing laboratory such as Underwriters Laboratories or Factory Mutual Systems. Use of special respiratory protective equipment by entrants, such as a self-contained breathing apparatus or a supplied-air respirator with escape bottle of sufficient size to ensure employee egress in the event of air supply failure. Under these circumstances, the entrants must be included in the MSU respiratory protection program and have current respirator training, fit-testing, and medical qualification. Face pieces for supplied air respirators will be fitted as negative pressure respirators to ensure no leakage occurs in the event of air supply failure. Filter cartridges may be used with the face piece of most supplied air respirators to allow the face-piece to double as an air-purifying respirator with the appropriate cartridge adapter. When an air compressor is used to supply breathing air, it must be oil-free, located away from potential sources of contamination (e.g., mechanical equipment exhaust) and equipped with appropriate alarms to indicate compressor failure, compressor overheating, and elevated carbon monoxide levels in the supplied air. Use of personal protective clothing capable of preventing skin exposure when a contaminant may cause irritation or burning to exposed skin, or may be absorbed through the skin. Barricades Barriers shall be used when needed to protect entrants from external hazards presented by pedestrian or vehicular traffic. Electrical All lighting and electrical equipment used in confined spaces must be in good repair, properly insulated, grounded, and equipped with ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs). The equipment must be listed with Underwriters Laboratories. If the confined space has the potential for a flammable or explosive atmosphere, then explosion proof lighting and electrical equipment must be used. Ignition Sources Until proper tests of the atmosphere, as described in Appendix E, have ensured that the percentage of combustible/flammable gas or vapor is not greater that 10% of the lower explosive limit (LEL), no source of ignition shall be permitted inside or in contact with confined spaces. This includes adjacent spaces having common walls, floors, or ceilings in common with the confined space. Only intrinsically safe electrical and mechanical equipment may be used in or near a confined space where the potential for a LEL exists, regardless of current test results. Isolation Of Energy Sources (Lockout/Tagout) Some confined space entries will require that mechanical and/or electrical systems be locked and tagged out, or that valves for water or steam be closed and locked and tagged out prior to entry into the space. There may be other energy systems that need to be locked and tagged out, or hazard sources that need to be blocked and blanked, as defined in Appendix A. When there is a need for lockout/tagout procedures, double blocking and bleeding, or blanking, for safe entry into a confined space, the CSES must ensure there is a written lockout/tagout procedure for that space, as required by the MSU Lockout/Tagout program. In addition, all those who may enter and work in the confined space must be trained to those procedures. The CSES will need to ensure that all isolation measures required are performed prior to entry into the space. ESH can assist with development of written lockout/tagout procedures for a space upon request. Welding Following OSHA guidelines (29 CFR 1910.252), welding in a confined space requires: (1) a minimum of 2000 cubic feet air per minute per welder for general ventilation; or 2) local exhaust ventilation (at the point of contaminant generation) of 100 feet per minute. Welding machines and compressed gas cylinders must be kept outside of the space. Electrodes must be removed from the holder when welders exit the space. Welding gas and related fuel gases must be turned off from outside the space. Where practical, torches, cables, and hoses should be removed from the space when welding is not in progress. A hot work permit must be secured before any welding is done in any permit space. Hot work permits are available at the ESH Office. Heat Stress Heat stress must be considered as a potential hazard associated with a confined space. Large-scale communication equipment, computer equipment, steam lines or other equipment located in confined spaces may increase the ambient heat load of that confined space. Personal protective equipment worn by entrants may also increase the likelihood of heat stress by trapping body heat. The level of activity required by entrants, worker acclimatization to heat, and individual physical condition will also affect potential for development of heat-related disorders. Heat stress symptoms may include reddening of the skin, profuse sweating, fatigue and sometimes nausea. Entrants should exit the confined space, remove personal protective clothing, and drink cool liquids if symptoms of heat stress are experienced. If not treated, heat stress can progress to heat exhaustion. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include moist and clammy skin, accompanied by a feeling of giddiness, fatigue, nausea, headache and a pale or mottled/flushed look. The next stage of heat stress is heat stroke in which the entrant's skin becomes hot and dry, with a mottled or bluish color. Mental confusion and a rapidly rising core body temperature will be noted. Heat stroke can be fatal without rapid medical attention. If symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke are experienced by a member of the entry team, contact 911 for emergency response. Personnel who must work in hot environments should exit the confined space at regular intervals for short rest breaks including water or an electrolyte replacement drink. Liquids should be cool but not cold. ESH can assist entry teams in assessing the heat stress potential of a confined space prior to entry, upon request. Re-entry procedures described in Appendix F must be observed when re-entering a permit space. SDS Access Using hazardous materials during a confined space entry necessitates that Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for the hazardous materials be made available to entrants prior to entry. Employees must be trained by the CSES on the hazards of those materials to be used. The training shall also include signs and symptoms of exposure, and measures employees must take to protect themselves from the hazards during the entry. SDSs can be obtained by any of the following methods: Call ESH at (270) 762-3480 to receive information by phone, have an SDS faxed or have a SDS mailed to your campus address. If emergency information is necessary, call 9-911 for 24-hour service or Chemtrec-Emergency Response at (800) 424-9300. Contact your supervisor for access to the departments set of SDSs, if available. Contact the product manufacturer, importer, or distributor and request a copy. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) PPE may be needed to ensure adequate employee protection during an entry. The equipment selected must be appropriate for the hazard, clean, and in good repair. Protective clothing and gloves. Entrants shall be supplied with protective clothing and gloves to prevent skin exposure during confined space entry if solvents or other substances are used that may enter the body through the skin or breaks in the skin. No single type of protective clothing provides protection from all types of chemical contaminants. For assistance in selecting the appropriate gloves or protective clothing contact the product manufacturer and ESH. Protective coveralls may also be required to protect personal clothing from dirt and damage during entry into the space. Eye Protection. Eye protection that complies with ANSI (American National Standards Institute) Z87.1-1989 shall be provided for all employees who enter a permit space to perform mechanical work. A stamp identifying "Z87" will appear on the earpiece of the safety glass frame or engraved into the lens. If produced separately, the ANSI number may appear in both locations. Whenever there is a splash hazard, the employee shall wear tight-fitting splash-proof goggles that bear an ANSI marking. Head Protection. Hard hats that comply with ANSI Z89.1-1986 shall be provided for all employees who enter a permit space that has poor lighting, a low or descending ceiling, or potential for falling objects/obstacles that may cause head injury. Hard hats shall be worn in such spaces except when use creates a greater hazard. A stamp should be present on the interior of each hardhat shell labeling it as meeting ANSI requirements and identifying the hazard class for which the hat is appropriate. Hard hats may be worn in conjunction with cold weather liners, chin or nape straps, face shield attachments or other accessories designed to be used with the hat. Hard hat helmet classes are as follows: Class Intended Use A -Falling object impact reduction, Low-voltage conductor contact (tested to 2200 volts phase to ground) B - Falling object impact reduction, High-voltage conductor contact (tested to 20,000 volts phase to ground) C - Falling object impact reduction, No electrical protection. Hearing Protection. Hearing protection shall be worn by employees who are required to work in a confined space that contains a noise source in excess of 85 decibels as measured on an A-weighted scale. Respiratory Protection. Normally, respiratory protective equipment will not be required for confined space entry. See Section 2.7.3, for circumstances where it is required. Contractors Working In MSU Permit Spaces At MSU contractors may be hired to perform work in a confined space. These contractors may be associated with a major or minor construction project arranged through Capital Construction Administration and Engineering of Facilities Management or they may be: A Unit Vendor from the Unit Vendor list maintained by Facilities Management called in by a department or group to perform the work. A vendor not on the unit vendor list brought in by a department for maintenance work. Depending on the status of the space (non-permit or permit), the department arranging for the contract work has certain obligations of informing the contractor of the potential hazards. If the contract is arranged and overseen by Capital Construction and Engineering, that department must meet the obligations. If the contractor is a unit vendor or independent vendor brought in directly by a department to do work, that department is responsible for meeting the obligations to the contractor. If the space is a non-permit space, the department arranging the work must simply inform the contractor that the area where the work is to be performed is a confined space and that certain work could cause the space to become a permit space (e.g., use of toxic or flammable chemicals within the space, welding, or other work that introduces a serious hazard). The obligations are more extensive when a contractor is required to do work in a permit space. The department arranging the work shall: Inform the contractor that the workplace contains permit spaces and that entry is allowed only through compliance with a confined space program meeting the requirements of the OSHA General Industry Standard 29 CFR 1910.146. Apprise the contractor of the elements, including the hazards identified and MSUs experience with the space that makes the space in question a permit space. Apprise the contractor of any precautions or procedures that MSU has implemented for the protection of employees in or near permit spaces where contractor personnel will be working. Coordinate entry operations with the contractor, when both University personnel and contractor personnel will be working in or near permit spaces. In general, for joint entry, MSUs entry procedures shall be used. Debrief the contractor at the conclusion of the entry operations regarding the permit space program followed and regarding any hazards confronted or created in permit spaces during entry operations. The department should understand that by the standard, the contractor is required to: Comply with permit space requirements of the General Industry Standard, 29 CFR 1910.146. Obtain any available information regarding permit space hazards and entry operations from MSU. Coordinate entry operations with MSU, when both MSU and contractor personnel will be working in or near permit spaces. Inform MSU of the permit space program that the contractor will follow and of any hazards confronted or created in permit spaces, either through a debriefing or during the entry operations. A copy of the contractors completed entry permit should be used to ensure the above requirements for information exchange are met when a permit space is involved. If there is a need for assistance with providing contractors appropriate information, or if there are any problems with entry arrangements, the department should contact ESH. Upon completion of entry, a copy of the contractors entry permit shall be forwarded to ESH. If, for any reason, the department believes the contractor entry is unsafe, the department should notify ESH and immediately instruct the contractor to cease the unsafe activity. Emergency Rescue The Murray Fire Department has been designated as the emergency rescue provider for confined space entries at on-campus locations. The Murray Fire Department is staffed and equipped to provide emergency rescue services from confined spaces on a 24 hour a day basis by calling 9-911 from a campus phone, or 911 from a cellular phone. The caller must notify the emergency operator that rescue is required for a confined space entry and provide the operator specific details about the location of the entry and the nature of the problem. In the event of any emergency situation requiring rescue from a confined space, MSU employees shall not attempt to enter the space to perform rescue. The attendant on duty shall immediately contact the Murray Fire Department by calling 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cellular phone. In no case shall the attendant be required to relay emergency information through a third party unless the third party location is fully staffed during the entire entry. Two-way radio communication may be used if coordinated and staffed to ensure rescue services can be reached. Rescue services that can be performed safely from outside of the confined space (e.g., hoisting a harnessed entrant) shall be undertaken. Other entrants in the space shall immediately exit the space and only provide such assistance as will not endanger themselves. Program Review This program shall be reviewed annually by ESH through review of cancelled permits and consultation with some of the departments impacted by this program. Copies of all cancelled permits must be sent to ESH. Updates of the program will be made, as needed, to ensure that confined space entries are safe. In addition, any accidents that occur in confined spaces will be investigated by ESH, and prompt action will be taken to correct any program deficiencies found as the result of a confined space accident investigation. 3 Responsibilities 3.1 Environmental Safety and Health (ESH) The Office of Environmental Safety and Health shall: Identify permit spaces and non-permit spaces; Prepare and distribute the MSU Confined Space Program and Confined Space Inventory. Review and update the MSU Confined Space Program on an annual basis. Review new spaces identified for status of space and labeling, if required. Provide consultation and information concerning hazardous materials, physical hazards, and entry procedures for confined space entries. Provide assistance in locating direct reading monitoring equipment for hazards anticipated during confined space entry, and consultation for monitoring of hazards for which direct reading equipment is not available. Investigate all accidents or near misses reported as a result of a confined space entry or an aborted entry attempt. Conduct periodic safety audits of confined space entry procedures to determine regulatory compliance, and recommend action to correct conditions of non-compliance. Specify and coordinate required general training (Section 2.4). Specify departments required to designate CSESs. Act as a Confined Space Entry Supervisor upon request for non-routine entries. 3.2 Department Heads Based on the Confined Space Inventory provided by ESH, department heads shall determine if any of their departmental employees will enter confined spaces or if employees of contractors hired by the department will enter such spaces. If so, they shall: Designate a Department CSES when requested to do so by ESH (Section 2.3), and ensure this individual receives appropriate training. Distribute the Confined Space Program to the CSES. Ensure that the Confined Space Program is received and implemented within the work areas under their review. Determine employees who need to become authorized entrants and attendants for permit space entries and ensure that these employees receive required training prior to a confined space entry. Determine all other staff who may encounter confined spaces in the performance of their normal duties, and ensure these personnel receive confined space awareness training. Ensure that necessary equipment and resources are made available to the department CSES to allow for compliance with this plan. Ensure that new or updated confined space inventory information is transmitted to ESH for inclusion in the MSU Confined Space Inventory (Section 2.1). Ensure contractors hired by the department to perform work in permit spaces provide and are provided required information regarding the specific space and work to be done as described in Section 2.8. 3.3 Department Confined Space Entry Supervisors Department Confined Space Entry Supervisors (CSESs) shall: Attend all confined space training (Section 2.4). Oversee permit space entries for the department. Report to ESH any unevaluated work areas or facilities within their assigned areas that may qualify as confined spaces. Identify confined space entry procedures that are not adequately addressed by the MSU Confined Space Program and report these to ESH for review. Provide site-specific training to authorized entrants and attendants regarding the specific equipment and practices used during entry for the specific spaces that may be entered. This must be done prior to any permit space entries. Report damaged or missing caution signs posted immediately outside of entrances to permit spaces. Adhere to all requirements of the MSU Confined Space Program and supplemental entry procedures. Conduct pre-entry assessments (Appendix D) and specify entry procedures to be used for the space evaluated (Section 2.5). Know the hazards that may be faced during entry. Perform supervisor duties described in Appendix F for permit space entries. 3.4 Authorized Attendants Confined space entry attendants shall: Adhere to the requirements of the MSU Confined Space Program and supplemental entry procedures; Complete all safety training requirements, request further instruction from the CSES if unclear on any of part of the training, and comply with documentation procedures. Perform attendant duties described in Appendix F for permit space entries. 3.5 Authorized Entrants Confined space entrants shall: Adhere to the requirements of the MSU Confined Space Program and supplemental entry procedures. Complete all safety training requirements, request further instruction from CSES if unclear on any part of the training, and comply with documentation procedures. Take appropriate precautions for entry and work in any confined space, including the initial steps of a pre-entry assessment as described in Section 2.5. Fulfill all entry team functions as defined by this plan and any procedures created to supplement this plan for specific confined space entry. Perform entrant duties described in Appendix F for permit space entries. Report all injuries, overexposure incidents or unsafe conditions noticed during any confined space entry to the department CSES. 3.6 Maintenance Workers and Others Designated by ESH Employees who may encounter permit or non-permit spaces as a routine part of their work shall: Attend confined space awareness training (Section 2.4). Not enter permit spaces unless authorized and trained to do so. Assess a non-permit space prior to entry as detailed in Section 2.5. 3.7 Supervisors of Maintenance Workers and Others Designated by ESH Supervisors of employees who may encounter permit or non-permit spaces as a routine part of their work shall: Attend confined space awareness training (Section 2.4). Ensure employees do not enter permit spaces unless authorized and trained for entry. Arrange for assessments of non-permit spaces by a CSES when requested to do so by their employees (Section 2.5). 3.8 Occupational Medicine Provider The occupational medicine provider shall: Coordinate and direct all required or recommended medical surveillance programs, including respiratory protection physicals. Provide medical consultations and examinations for workers who have been overexposed to hazardous chemical substances or who have sustained an injury related to a confined space entry. Maintain medical records relating to consultations, examinations, and medical surveillance as required by law. 3.9 University Police The University Police shall: Respond to reported unauthorized confined space entries and enforce appropriate trespassing prohibitions (Note: Officers shall not enter any permit space to retrieve or rescue individuals). Provide crowd control in the event of a confined space related emergency. 3.10 Capital Construction and Engineering Capital Construction and Engineering of Facilities Management shall: Ensure contractors under their purview who may enter a permit space are prepared and informed as required in Section 2.8 of this document. Provide ESH with the information necessary to update the MSU Confined Space Inventory when confined spaces are created or modified during new construction and renovation projects. 3.11 Contractors Contractors entering permit spaces at MSU shall: Have in a place a Permit Space Entry Program as required by OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146. Supervise and attend their own entries, unless it is a joint entry with MSU employees, and provide MSU host department the name and phone number of the person who will supervise the permit space entry. Follow MSUs confined space entry procedures for joint entry into permit spaces. Ensure they have been provided information needed regarding the confined space they are to enter. Inform MSU of the permit space program that they will follow and of any hazards confronted or created in permit spaces, either through a debriefing or during the entry operation. Appendix A GLOSSARY OF TERMS Acceptable Air Quality means the following: Oxygen levels - not less than 19.5% nor more than 23.5% in ambient air; and Flammability/Combustibility - Less than 10% of the Lower Flammability Limit (LFL) or Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). These terms are used interchangeably on SDSs and in product literature; and Toxicity - less than any recognized exposure limits including OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL), American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Values (TLV), and industry standards. Exposure limits for chemical substances are usually indicated on product SDSs. Potential contaminants produced as a by-product of activity in the confined space must also be evaluated. Exposure limits for many process by-products may be obtained from the Confined Space Entry Supervisor or ESH. Atmosphere Hazard - see Hazardous Atmosphere Attendant means an individual stationed outside of a confined space to monitor the authorized entrants, having the responsibilities described under the Section 3 of this document, and performing the duties described in the appendices of this document. Authorized Entrant means an employee who is authorized by the employer to enter a permit space. Biological Hazards include airborne or contact hazards, such as viable micro-organisms, spores, cysts, or pollen and hazards resulting from aggressive animals or pests. The latter could include rodents, insects, and spiders. Blank means the absolute closure of a pipe, line, or duct by the fastening of a solid plate (such as a spectacle blind or a skillet blind) that completely covers the bore and that is capable of withstanding the maximum pressure of the pipe line, or duct with no leakage beyond the plate. Confined Space means a space that: Is large enough and so configured that an employee can enter and perform assigned work; and Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit; and Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. (See also Permit Space and Non-Permit Space.) Confined Space Entry Supervisor, and CSES, means the person responsible for determining if acceptable entry conditions are present at a permit space where entry is planned, for authorizing entry and overseeing entry operations, and for terminating entry as required by this program. Double Block and Bleed means the closure of a line, duct, or pipe by closing and locking or tagging two in-line valves and by opening and locking or tagging a drain or vent valve in the line between the two closed valves. Electrical Hazards may result from exposure to or work on live electrical circuits in equipment that operates in the space. Electrical hazards can be compounded by the presence of water. Emergency means any event, including any failure of hazard control or monitoring equipment, internal or external to the permit space that could endanger entrants. Engulfment/Immersion Hazards mean the potential for contents of the space, such as flowable solids or liquids, to engulf or immerse entrants. Grain in a grain bin, or water flowing into a space can pose engulfment hazards. Entanglement Hazards refers to the ability of structural features of the space and its interior equipment to entangle clothing or other equipment, such as lifelines. Entry means the action by which any part of a person's body passes through an opening into a permit space. Entry includes ensuing work activities in that space. Entry Permit means the written/printed document that is signed by the entry supervisor to allow and control entry into a permit space. The permit contains the information required by regulation. See Permit Form for Permit Space Entry, ESH-CSP-02, for a blank entry permit. Entry Supervisor see Confined Space Entry Supervisor Explosive/Implosive Hazards refer to physically explosive or implosive conditions caused by internal atmospheric pressure that differs from ambient. A small difference in pressure between surfaces can create considerable force. Explosive also refers to the presence of chemically explosive substances. Exposure Limits means one of the following four types of exposure limits. Eight-hour time weighted average (TWA) - The average concentration to which an employee may be exposed to a particular chemical for up to eight hours per day, five days per week. Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) - The average concentration to which an employee may be exposed to a particular chemical for up to fifteen minutes. Ceiling (C) - The maximum concentration to which an employee may be exposed to a particular chemical at any time. Skin - Often, a notation of "Skin" is printed with an exposure limit. This indicates that skin absorption of that chemical occurs readily and could contribute to an employee's overall exposure. Employee exposure to dermal absorption of chemical substances can often be monitored through the use of biological testing. Fall Hazards exist when vertical distances through which fall can occur could cause serious bodily injury. A distance of 6 feet is considered a fall hazard by regulatory limits. Fire/Explosion Hazards can result from the presence or potential presence of an ignitable substance such as gas, vapor, mist, or particulate (dust). Formation of an ignitable mixture would require the presence of air or oxygen in the atmosphere of the space. Concentrations that can be ignited or exploded generally are much higher than those associated with the onset of toxicological effects. Hazardous Atmosphere means an atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk of death, injury, and impairment of ability to escape unaided, or acute illness from one or more of the following causes: Flammable gas, vapor or mist in excess of 10% of its Lower Explosive Limit (LEL); Airborne combustible dust at a concentration that meets or exceeds its Lower Flammability Limit (LFL) (NOTE: This concentration may be approximated as a condition in which the dust obscures vision at a distance of 5 feet or less); Atmospheric oxygen concentration below 19.5% or above 23.5%; Atmospheric concentrations of any substance for which a dose, permissible exposure limit (PEL) or threshold limit value (TLV) exists and which could result in employee exposure in excess of its limit; and Any other atmospheric condition that is immediately dangerous to life or health. Heat and Cold Stress can result from thermal conditions in the space that differ from conditions of comfort. Heat stress can be compounded when personal protective equipment is worn. Hot/Cold Surfaces refers to surface temperatures that differ markedly from ambient. These could cause burn injury, or if high enough, act as a source of ignition. Hot Work means work within a confined space that produces arcs, sparks, flames, heat or other source of ignition. (Contact ESH for more information about obtaining a hot work permit.) Hydraulic Hazards are posed by the energy storage that occurs in hydraulic systems, such as some elevators. Release of energy stored in these systems can cause unexpected movement of machine parts. Inerting means the displacement of the atmosphere in a permit space by a noncombustible gas, such as nitrogen, to such an extent that the resulting atmosphere is noncombustible. (NOTE: This procedure produces an Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) oxygen-deficient atmosphere.) Ingestion Hazards refers to the presence of a substance that can be hazardous in quantities that could be ingested during the course of normal work. Isolation means a process of physically interrupting and/or disconnecting, pipes, lines and energy sources from the confined space. Lockout/Tagout means the placement of a lock and/or tag on an energy-isolating device, indicating that the device shall not be operated until removal of the lock and/or tag in accordance with established procedure. Lower Explosive Limit means the minimal concentration of a flammable gas or vapor below which ignition cannot occur. Lower Flammability Limit means the minimal concentration of a flammable gas or vapor below which ignition cannot occur. (Note: Flammable concentrations of dusts can not be measured by a LEL meter. Dust that obscures vision 5 ft away can be potentially flammable.) Mechanical hazards result from expected or unexpected or unpredictable operation of mechanical equipment located in the space. Mechanical equipment has moving parts such as blades or paddles, levers, screw conveyors, propellers or augurs, belts, chains. Unexpected motion of these parts can strike occupants and cause injury. Mechanical hazards include the discharge of stored energy through the motion of parts. Noise and Vibration Hazards can result from the operation of equipment inside or adjacent to the space that may cause motion of contents of space. Non-Permit-Required Confined Space and Non-Permit Space mean a confined space that does not contain or have the potential to contain any atmospheric hazard capable of causing death or serious physical harm or any other serious hazard that is characteristic of a permit space. Oxygen-Deficient Atmosphere means an atmosphere containing less than 19.5% oxygen by volume. Oxygen-Enriched Atmosphere means an atmosphere containing more than 23.5% oxygen by volume. Permit-Required Confined Space and Permit Space (as defined by OSHA standard) means a confined space that has one or more of the following characteristics: Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere; or Contains a material that has the potential for entrapping, engulfing or suffocating an entrant; or Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-section; or Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard. Personal Confinement Hazards refer to the ability of the space, its portals, and interior geometry to confine entrant so that they cannot move or easily escape from the space. Pneumatic Hazards can occur due to energy storage in pneumatic systems. Release of energy stored in these systems can cause unexpected movement of machine parts or other injury from direct release of pressure. Process Hazards refer to hazardous conditions that arise from chemical, physical, and biological processes that normally occur in the space. Generally, these hazards would be eliminated before an entry is made. Prohibited Condition means any condition in a permit space that is not allowed by the permit during the period when entry is authorized. SAP means the MSU Space Assessment Profile performed for each type of space that has been evaluated. See Section 2.1 and Appendix B of this document. Skin Contact Hazards refer to substances that could cause a hazard following contact with the skin. Toxicological effects could include absorption, irritation, allergic reaction, or destructive attack on of the skin surface. Slip/Trip Hazards refer to conditions that can cause slipping and tripping accidents. Conditions conducive to occurrence of this type of problem include surfaces that are slippery due to residual contents or sloping angle. Tripping hazards could result from geometric features of the interior structure. Structural Hazards refer to hazardous conditions caused by instability of the internal structure of the space. Structural instability can result from incompatibility between contents and materials of construction. The hazard results from unexpected or unpredicted change in the status quo. Visibility Hazard/Light Level - A visibility hazard can result from presence of airborne particulate and mists or sprays. Light level refers to the absence of a source of illumination in the space. Appendix B SPACE ASSESSMENT PROFILE (SAP) CODES This appendix contains a list of the Space Assessment Profile (SAP) codes used for the types of spaces evaluated at MSU. For detailed profiles of each type of space, refer to the MSU Confined Space Inventory. The inventory is available at the ESH office. SAP-AHU Air Handling Unit SAP-B Boilers SAP-C Trash Compactor SAP-CS Crawl Space SAP-CT Elevator Pit SAP-EV Electrical Vault SAP-I Incinerator SAP-LP Livestock Pen Pit SAP-P Miscellaneous space SAP-PC Pipe Chase SAP-PIT Pit SAP-SD Spray Dryer and Other Food Processing Equipment SAP-Silo Grain Bin or Silo SAP-ST Steam Tunnel SAP-T-F Fuel Tank SAP-T-S Specialized Tank SAP-T-W Water Tank Appendix C TRAINING OUTLINE The following topics must be addressed during confined space training (Section 2.4). C1.0 AWARENESS TRAINING The following information must be transmitted to all MSU personnel that may encounter confined spaces as a normal part of their work: Definition of a confined space and permit space. How to identify/recognize a permit space. All types of spaces that are posted as permit spaces. Characteristics/status of tanks, electrical vaults, manholes. Instructions to not enter permit spaces, unless they are a trained entrant, are authorized, and have a valid permit space entry permit. An understanding of the hazards posed by confined spaces and basic precautions before working in a non-permit space. A brief summary of MSUs Confined Space Program. C2.0 PERMIT SPACE ENTRY TRAINING FOR SUPERVISORS, ENTRANTS AND ATTENDANTS This training must include a discussion on the MSU Confined Space Program and the following items. C2.1 Duties of Confined Space Entry Supervisor C2.1.1 Conducting pre-entry assessments Space hazards, including information on the mode of exposure, signs, or symptoms and consequences of exposure. Procedures for testing the atmosphere. C2.1.2 Pre-entry planning, equipment, and procedures Space specific training of entrants and attendants detailing space hazards and specifics of permit. Verification of emergency plans and specified entry conditions such as permits, tests, procedures, and equipment before allowing entry. C2.1.3 Permit issuance, termination, and revocation Termination of entry and cancellation of permits when entry operations are completed or if a new condition exists. Appropriate measures to remove unauthorized entrants. Ensuring that entry operations remain consistent with the entry permit and that acceptable entry conditions are maintained. Ensuring that original entry permits are forwarded to ESH upon completion or termination of a permit space entry. C2.2 Duties of the Entrant C2.2.1 Pre-Entry Planning, Equipment, and Procedures Space hazards, including information on the mode of exposure (e.g., inhalation or dermal absorption), signs or symptoms, and consequences of the exposure Entry procedures and precautions as established by CSES. Use monitoring and personal protective equipment. C2.2.2 Entry Proper use of appropriate personal protective equipment (e.g., face and eye protection) and other forms of barrier protection, such as gloves, aprons, and coveralls. Communication (e.g., telephone, radio, visual observation) with attendants to enable the attendant to monitor the entrants status, as necessary. Exit from permit space as soon as possible when ordered by an authorized person, when the entrant recognizes the warning signs or symptoms of exposure exist, when a prohibited condition exists, or when an automatic alarm is activated. Alerting the attendant when a prohibited condition exists or when warning signs or symptoms of exposure exist. C2.2.3 Post-Entry Instructions to not re-enter permit spaces without first completing reentry procedures. Informing the CSES of all near-miss accidents. C2.3 Duties of the Attendant C2.3.1 Pre-Entry Planning, Equipment and Procedures Understanding of all entry procedures and precautions as established by CSES. Use of monitoring, personal protective, and communication equipment. Conditions that will warrant an evacuation order. Existing and potential hazards, including information on the mode of exposure, signs or symptoms, consequences of the exposure, and their physiological effects. C2.3.2 Entry Remaining at post outside of permit space during entry operations unless relieved by another qualified attendant. Communication with and keeping an accurate account of those workers entering the permit space. Ordering evacuation of the permit space when a prohibited condition exists, when a worker shows signs of physiological effects of hazardous exposure, when an emergency outside the confined space exists, and when the attendant cannot effectively and safely perform required duties. Summoning rescue and other services during an emergency. Ensuring that unauthorized persons stay away from permit spaces. Informing authorized entrants and entry supervisor of entry by unauthorized persons. Observing all conditions of the permit space entry permit. Posting copies of the written permit. Instructions to not allow reentry without first conducting reentry procedures. C2.3.3 Post-Entry Apprising the CSES of near-miss accidents or other unusual conditions encountered during entry. Ensuring that the expired permit is received by CSES. C3.0 PERMIT SPACE SPECIFIC TRAINING Hazards for the specific type of entry applicable must be reviewed. Procedures and equipment used to control the hazards. Personal protective equipment required for safe entry. Reminder of procedures for summoning emergency response. Review of information on the permit. Appendix D PRE-ENTRY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE Before entering and performing work in a permit or non-permit space, a pre-entry assessment is needed. The first part of an assessment is made at the time an employee encounters a confined space where work is needed or is assigned to do work in a confined space. The purpose of this assessment is to determine if it is necessary to contact a Confined Space Entry Supervisor (CSES) for a full assessment of the space and the entry circumstances prior to entry into the space. The Decision Tree on the following page outlines the steps necessary for determining whether a pre-entry hazard assessment is required. The Decision Tree also outlines the major components of a pre-entry hazard assessment and possible outcomes, which include the following: Permit procedures are required, or Alternate entry procedures can be used, or Space can be reclassified as a non-permit space for the duration of the entry When a full-assessment of the space is made by a CSES, the Pre-Entry Hazard Assessment will be used. This form contains a Hazard Evaluation Checklist that must be completed by the CSES to determine the procedures required for that entry. Appendix E ATMOSPHERE TESTING PROCEDURE Before entering any permit space, tests of the space atmosphere shall be conducted by the Confined Space Entry Supervisor to determine the air quality. For entry into a space without additional precautions for control of atmosphere hazards, the air quality must be acceptable, as defined in Appendix A. In addition, this procedure may be applicable to non-permit spaces when so indicated by the pre-entry assessment described in Section 2.5 and Appendix D. E1.0 TESTING EQUIPMENT Testing equipment used in hazardous atmospheres shall be listed or rated for use in such areas by a nationally recognized testing laboratory such as Underwriters Laboratories or Factory Mutual Systems. ESH can assist individual departments in the selection of appropriate testing equipment. If questions arise concerning the specific use of monitors, the employee may consult their supervisor, the product manufacturer's representative, or ESH. Instruments must be available to measure oxygen content, combustible/flammable limits and expected toxic contaminants. Testing equipment shall be accurate to the lowest concentration at which the contaminant becomes hazardous. Where technically feasible, direct reading instruments shall be used for all measurements to ensure that results represent the conditions in the space at the time of entry. All instruments shall be calibrated and performance-tested in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions prior to use. Testing must continue for each parameter for at least the minimum response time of the instrument used, accounting for travel distance if remote sampling techniques are used (e.g., a drop probe). The manufacturer's instructions will provide calibration instructions, performance testing guidelines, and instrument response time. ESH can assist in instrument use training. E2.0 SAMPLING STRATEGIES Sampling strategies shall be developed for each space based upon the configuration of the space and the potential hazards present. ESH can provide assistance to CSESs in creating a sampling strategy. Sampling points should be selected to characterize the entire space where work will be performed. Sample sites should be no more than 4 ft in the direction of travel from the previous point and 4 ft to each side of the entry space to ensure comprehensive test results. Continuous monitors with alarms should be worn by employees entering a space where concentrations of contaminants are capable of increasing during the entry or where communication systems are subject to error (e.g., radio communication in a tunnel). E3.0 INITIAL TESTING Initial testing of atmospheric conditions and subsequent tests after the job has been stopped for a significant period of time shall be done with external forced ventilation systems shut down where possible. Some spaces will require ventilation to allow monitoring equipment to function. The space must be ventilated to reduce ambient heat loads before accurate measurements of air quality may be made or any entry attempted. Initial testing of the air shall be performed from outside of the space. No part of the employee may enter the space while air testing is being performed. Interior air testing of a vertical permit space may be done by drop tests (using a tube dropped into the space to extract the sample) or insertion of sample probes. Where entrants must move farther into a permit space than allowed by the length of the air-monitoring probe, air samples shall be taken progressively in front of the entry team. Entrants shall continuously monitor the space and be equipped with emergency escape equipment (i.e., a 5 minute self contained breathing apparatus). E4.0 ADDITIONAL TESTING Additional testing shall be conducted prior to entry with ventilation systems intended for use during entry turned on to ensure that contaminants are removed and that the ventilation systems are not themselves causing a hazardous condition. E5.0 HAZARDOUS CONCENTRATIONS PRESENT If initial tests indicate the presence of hazardous concentrations of flammable vapors, workers shall not be allowed to enter the space until the space has been ventilated to eliminate the hazard. Where toxic substances or oxygen deficiencies exist, the space should be ventilated and/or sources of the hazard removed or controlled prior to entry. (See Section 2.7.2 for details on ventilation). Where it is not possible to eliminate a toxicity or oxygen deprivation hazard, review Section 2.7.3. E6.0 NO HAZARDOUS CONCENTRATIONS PRESENT When tests do not indicate the existence of oxygen deficiencies, hazardous concentrations of flammable vapor/dusts, or toxic substances, the space may be entered and tests performed progressively throughout the space. If tests indicate the existence of hazardous atmospheres within the space, the tester must exit the space and proceed as described above. Appendix F PERMIT SPACE ENTRY PROCEDURES Prior to entry to a permit space, the CSES must conduct a pre-entry assessment as described in Section 2.5 and Appendix D. There shall be no entry into a permit space without assessment and control of hazards in the confined space, verification of controls by the Confined Space Entry Supervisor, posting of an entry permit, and monitoring of the entry by an entry attendant. F1.0 PRE ENTRY PROCEDURES Prior to entry into a permit space, the Confined Space Entry Supervisor shall: Review the pre-entry assessment of hazards. Obtain access to Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all products or materials expected to be in the space or taken into the space with the entry team and provide required information to the entrants and attendants. Ensure that all equipment necessary for the permit space entry is available, calibrated (if applicable) and in proper working order. Equipment may include barricades, monitoring equipment, ventilation equipment, communication equipment, equipment necessary for entry and exit, emergency rescue equipment, lighting equipment, personal protective equipment, and any other equipment necessary for safe entry into and rescue from the space. Review Lockout/Tagout procedures for the space, or when no procedures exist, identify isolation points for piping, electrical systems, etc., to allow for complete Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) of hazardous energy sources and develop a written lockout/tagout procedure (Section 2.7.5). When atmospheric hazards have been detected, purge, inert, flush, and/or ventilate the permit space, as necessary, to eliminate or control the atmospheric hazards. Test the space after purging to verify if conditions are acceptable for entry (Appendix E). F2.0 COMPLETION AND POSTING OF THE ENTRY PERMIT F2.1 The entry supervisor shall complete the entry permit. The CSES shall: Complete all sections of the permit form, specifying the requirements for safe entry into the space. If needed, establish procedures for control and periodic monitoring of atmospheric hazards and note them on the entry permit. Note the names of the attendants and entrants on the entry permit, and inform them of the contents of the permit. Verify that the attendant knows the procedures for summoning emergency rescue. Verify that all equipment needed for entry is in place and functioning properly. Specify the duration of the entry (see Section F2.2). Revoke permit when necessary (Section F2.3). Reissue permits when necessary (Section F2.4). F2.2 Duration of the Permit A permit may remain valid for the duration of the entry task or a single work shift not to exceed 8 hours. When the same work crew is used for overtime work, the permit may be extended for up to 4 hours by repeating the air monitoring requirements (Appendix E). The CSES must pay special attention to fatigue when assessing the ability of an entry team to continue work on overtime. Additionally, permissible exposure limits for toxic contaminants are based on an 8 hour per day, 40 hour per week exposure. Additional work time lowers the permissible exposure limit. ESH can assist the CSES in calculating the altered permissible exposure limit for a 12-hour shift where applicable. If the CSES is aware that the task will require overtime, these calculations shall be performed prior to entry and the adjusted permissible exposure limits used during initial space testing. F2.3 Revoking Permits When conditions or work activities are different from those specified on the permit and could introduce a new hazard to the confined space, then the permit shall be immediately revoked by the CSES or attendant. The CSES or attendant shall immediately notify the entry team that the permit is no longer valid and order them to exit the space. Authorized entrants must immediately leave the space. Reasons for revoking the permit must be recorded on the permit form and returned to ESH for use in the annual program review. F2.4 Changing Work Conditions A new permit shall be issued or the original permit re-issued whenever changing work conditions or work activities introduce new hazards to the workplace. F2.5 Permit Disposition Expired permits, including permits where entry is aborted, must be retained and forwarded to ESH. F3.0 ENTRY F3.1 Attendant Attendant responsibilities are described in Section 3.4. An attendant must be stationed immediately outside any permit space prior to posting of the entry permit. The role of the attendant is to monitor and protect the authorized entrants. The CSES may assign more than one attendant to an entry if the task poses exceptional risk, or if several entrants will be in the space at one time. (NOTE: Absence of an attendant for any reason shall invalidate the entry permit and entrants must exit the space immediately.) The attendant shall: Continuously maintain an accurate count of authorized entrants in the permit space and ensure that the entrants are accurately identified on the permit. Remains outside the permit space during entry operations until relieved by another attendant. Communicate with authorized entrants as necessary to monitor entrant status and to alert entrants of the need to evacuate the space if the attendant: Detects a prohibited condition. Detects the behavioral effects of hazard exposure to an authorized entrant. Detects a situation outside the space that could endanger the authorized entrants. Cannot effectively and safely perform all the duties required. Summon rescue and other emergency services as soon as the attendant determines that authorized entrants may need assistance to escape from permit space hazards. Verbally warn unauthorized persons to stay away from the permit space, advise them they must exit immediately should they enter the space, issue verbal evacuation orders to authorized entrants, and contact emergency response and the University Police if an unauthorized individual remains in the space. Performs non-entry rescues when equipment is in place to do so. Performs no duties that might interfere with the attendants primary duty to monitor and protect the authorized entrants. F3.2 During entry, the CSES shall: Verbally order unauthorized individuals who enter or who attempt to enter the permit space during entry operations to leave. Determine that entry operations remain consistent with terms of the entry permit and that acceptable entry conditions are maintained whenever responsibility for a permit space entry operation is transferred, and at intervals dictated by the hazards and operations performed within space. F3.3 Authorized entrants shall: Properly use the equipment and procedures required for the entry. Communicate with the attendant as necessary to enable the attendant to monitor entrant status and to enable the attendant to alert entrants of the need to evacuate the space as needed. Alert the attendant whenever the entrant: Recognizes any warning sign or symptom of exposure to a dangerous situation. Detects a prohibited condition. Exit from the space as quickly as possible whenever: An order to evacuate is given. The entrant recognizes any warning sign or symptom of exposure to a dangerous situation. The entrant detects a prohibited condition. An evacuation alarm is activated. F3.4 Communication Confined space entrants must be in constant communication with the attendant on duty. The attendant must be able to immediately contact 9-911. The attendant may communicate with 9-911 via radio as long as radio communication is monitored during the entire duration of the entry and immediate access to 9-911 is available. F3.6 Protection Of Personnel All individuals working in and around permit spaces must be instructed as to the hazards of their respective jobs. Each supervisor is responsible for providing such information to the employees. Personal protective equipment required for entry shall be made available by the entrant's department. ESH is available to assist departments with personal protective equipment selection and training. F3.7 Non-Entry Rescue Equipment Entrants shall be supplied with and required to wear a full body harness attached to an extraction device except when such equipment increases the risk of entry or would not contribute to rescue of the entrant. A lifeline shall be used by all entrants regardless of full body harness use. F4.0 COMPLETION OF ENTRY When entry has been concluded, the CSES shall: Cancel the entry permit, completing information required. Secure the confined space. Debrief entrants to determine if there were any problems. Send a copy of the entry permit to ESH for annual program review. F5.0 RE-ENTRY INTO A PERMIT SPACE An entry team may exit and re-enter the confined space on the existing permit only if the following are completed by the CSES prior to re-entry: Atmospheric testing is repeated and found within acceptable limits. If atmospheric tests are not within acceptable limits, precautions to protect entrants against the hazards shall be appended to the existing permit. Verification that all safety precautions and other measures called for on the permit are still in effect. Verification that only operations or work approved on the original permit shall be conducted. Verification that the original entrants noted on the permit shall be entering the space. Appendix G ALTERNATE ENTRY PROCEDURES These procedures may be used when it is known, based on the pre-entry assessment that the only hazard posed by the permit space is an actual or potential hazardous atmosphere and it is known that the use of continuous forced air ventilation alone is sufficient to maintain the permit space safe for entry. When the situation is not as described above, then Permit Space Entry Procedures in Appendix F must be used. Alternate Entry Procedures are also discussed in Section 2.5. The Alternate Entry Procedures described herein do not require an attendant to be outside the space at all times during an entry, nor do they require emergency rescue equipment to be in place. G1.0 PRE-ENTRY ASSESSMENT AND ARRANGEMENTS The CSES shall: When applicable, ensure any conditions making it unsafe to remove an entrance cover are eliminated before the entrance cover is removed. When the entrance cover is removed, ensure the opening is promptly guarded by a railing, temporary cover, or other barrier that will prevent an accidental fall through the opening; and will protect employees working in the space from foreign objects entering the space. Identify the space entrants. Complete a Pre-Entry Hazard Assessment and Alternate Entry Procedures Certification, and make the information on the forms available to the space entrants. Conduct initial atmospheric monitoring necessary as detailed in Appendix E, and allow the entrants the opportunity to observe the monitoring. Ensure all equipment necessary for the space entry is available, calibrated (if applicable) and in proper working order. Equipment may include barricades, monitoring equipment, ventilation equipment, communication equipment, equipment necessary for entry and exit, lighting equipment, personal protective equipment, and any other equipment necessary for safe entry and work in the space. Ensure the space is ventilated, as needed, to eliminate any atmospheric hazards detected prior to entry into the space. The air supply must be from a clean source. Ensure the ventilation is provided to the immediate areas where an employee is or will be present within the space for the duration of the entry. Ensure employees entering the space have continuous monitoring equipment capable of detecting atmospheric contaminants that may accumulate during an entry. G2.0 ENTRY The space entrants shall: Ensure they can safely enter and exit the space. Ensure adequate lighting is provided in the space for work. Ensure continuous monitoring equipment is used in the space for the duration of the entry. Take any additional precautions necessary for safe work in the space. Leave the space immediately if a hazardous atmosphere is detected and notify the CSES. Not re-enter a space in which a hazardous atmosphere has been detected until the source of the contamination has been identified and measures have been initiated to protect employees from the hazard. G3.0 RE-ENTRY In the event the space was exited due to detection of a hazardous atmosphere, the CSES shall implement measures required for permit space entry, and any additional precautions necessary to ensure continued work in the space is done safely. G4.0 ENTRY CONCLUSION The space entrants shall: Remove all equipment and materials and debris associated with work in the space. Replace the cover to the space and ensure it is secured. Notify the CSES that the entry is completed. Appendix H STEAM TUNNEL ENTRY PROCEDURES These procedures are to be used for routine entry and inspection of the tunnel network for the campus steam heating system. For all entries, a Utility Department Superintendent must be notified. (The Superintendent is a Department Confined Space Entry Supervisor). Any specialized work to be done in this space must be reviewed by that Superintendent for any additional precautions that may be necessary for conducting the work safely. In some cases, use of permit space entry procedures may be necessary. If there are any questions concerning appropriate precautions to be taken for non-routine work in this space, ESH should be consulted at 762-3480. All steam tunnel entries are to be performed by a team of at least two persons. No person shall be permitted to enter and work alone in the steam tunnels. H1.0 PRE-ENTRY PROCEDURES The steam tunnel entrants shall: Notify the Utility Department Superintendent of the intent to enter the tunnel. Obtain appropriate protective clothing to include a long sleeve shirt, work gloves, safety glasses with side shields, and a bump cap. Obtain air-monitoring equipment and check its calibration, batteries, and operation to ensure equipment is working optimally. Obtain C-cell flashlight and check that it is working properly. Obtain a cellular phone or a two-way radio and check equipment to ensure batteries are fully charged and the equipment is working properly. Note: If a two-way radio is used, it must be ascertained that someone is present at the other end to receive any radio communication for the duration of the entry. Complete the tunnel access log maintained by the Utility Department. Information required on the log includes: The signature of the entrants. Estimated time of entrance and exit from the tunnel. Activity to be performed in the tunnel. The air monitor number. The cell phone or two-way radio number. The route of travel in the tunnel and area of activity using coordinates from the map. Location of entry and exit from the tunnel. When entering the campus steam tunnel from the Central Plant, check the fan system for the tunnel to ensure it is operating properly. The Superintendent shall ensure, when two-way radio is used, that someone is available for the duration of the entry to receive calls on the radio. H2.0 ENTRY The entrants shall: Turn on air-monitoring equipment and don protective clothing. When entering a remote tunnel, test the air prior to entry into the tunnel. If air tests indicate there is a problem, the Utility Department Superintendent must be notified, and a full pre-entry hazard assessment must be made. Proceed through the tunnel carefully. Exit immediately when air monitoring equipment alarms, and notify Superintendent of exit, location of exit, and reason for exit to ensure appropriate follow up action is taken. Check for any unsafe conditions in the tunnel while proceeding through the tunnel, exit promptly if any conditions are noted that pose an immediate danger to entrants, and notify the Superintendent of the exit, the location of exit, and the nature of the problem for appropriate follow up. Call 9-911 from a campus phone or 911 from a cellular phone for any serious accident in the tunnel requiring emergency response assistance, and provide them details on nature of emergency, location, and an emergency contact for the department to facilitate their ability to respond. The Superintendent shall take immediate appropriate follow-up action on any tunnel entry emergencies or serious conditions identified and reported by entrants. H3.0 TUNNEL EXIT The entrants shall: Notify superintendent after exiting from the tunnel space. Return air-monitor and check for accurate operation. Return other equipment used during entry. Complete access log with information on time of exit and location of exit. Report in writing any problems noted to include: Utility infrastructure repairs required (steam lines, pipes, wiring, etc.). Tunnel repairs required (doors, ladders, walkways, lighting). Any other work needed to maintain the safe, reliable operation of the tunnel system. The superintendent shall initiate action to correct problems noted. Appendix I BOILER ENTRY PROCEDURES For every boiler system, there are three distinct confined spaces: the boiler drum, the fire box, and the mud box. These spaces are all permit spaces. These procedures are for routine boiler entries for inspection purposes only. If any work is to be done in the boiler space, the pre-entry hazard assessment must be completed, and appropriate entry procedures selected. For all boiler entries, there shall be an attendant who remains outside the space and monitors the entry. I1.0 PRE-ENTRY PROCEDURES The attendant shall: Notify the Superintendent of the plan to enter and inspect a boiler system. Ensure that the boiler system is shut-down completely and is cool enough for entry. Follow written lockout/tagout procedures to isolate all hazardous energy sources and boiler fuel lines, and ensure all entrants have locks and/or tags in place where required. Test the boiler spaces for atmospheric hazards using equipment and procedures as specified in Appendix E. Ventilate space to be entered either by use of the furnace box fan system or by use of appropriate portable ventilation equipment. This ventilation should be provided for the duration of the entry. Complete boiler-entry log (maintained by Utility Department). Obtain communication equipment for use in the event of an emergency. The entrants shall: Obtain required personnel protective equipment, including disposable coveralls, work gloves, safety glasses with side shields, and bump caps. Obtain necessary equipment for lighting. Obtain equipment needed for access to the space. Obtain air-monitoring equipment. I2.0 ENTRY The attendant shall: Remain outside the space at all times during the entry, and communicate with entrants as needed to determine if problems may exist. Order evacuation of the space if there is any reason to believe that conditions exist that jeopardize the safety of the entrants and ensure appropriate follow-up is taken to eliminate the hazardous condition that caused the space evacuation. Call 911 in the event of an emergency in the space and provide information on the nature and exact location of the emergency. Inform the responders that it is a confined space emergency. Notify the Superintendent in the event of an emergency. Not enter the space in the event of an emergency and prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the space. The entrant shall: Wear required protective clothing during the entry. Turn on and carry air-monitoring equipment into the space. Ensure attendant is stationed at the entrance prior to entry. Enter and work carefully in the space. Exit immediately if the air monitoring equipment alarm sounds, and determine the reason for the alarm and action necessary prior to re-entry. Exit immediately when ordered to do so by the attendant. I3.0 RE-ENTRY In the event the space was exited due to detection of a hazardous atmosphere, the Superintendent shall be contacted and shall implement measures required for permit space entry, and any additional precautions necessary to ensure continued work in the space is done safely. I4.0 ENTRY CONCLUSION The attendant shall: Secure the space at the conclusion of the entry. Oversee removal of any lockout/tagout equipment. Notify the superintendent of the conclusion of the entry and note it on the log. The entrant shall report in writing any problems identified during entry. Appendix J GUIDANCE FOR SUMP PIT AND LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM PIT ENTRIES These spaces are considered permit spaces. The main hazard of concern in these spaces is the potential for an oxygen deficient atmosphere. Other hazards that may exist in these spaces include accumulated water that can present an engulfment hazard or cause slippery working surfaces, mechanical hazards (sump pumps), and electrical hazards (sump pumps). Prior to entering the space, a pre-entry hazard assessment should be made by a CSES. Test atmosphere in the space for oxygen deficiency and flammability. Test atmosphere for other problems if unusual odors are detected. Assess other hazards within the space. Assess whether or not hazards will be introduced to the space by the work to be done. In general, if the atmosphere test is acceptable, and other hazards are not present, are not going to be introduced, or can be eliminated without entry into the space, these spaces can be reclassified as non-permit spaces and entry may proceed into the spaces using appropriate general safety precautions. However, if there is an atmospheric hazard detected, then either alternate entry procedures will be required if no other hazards are present, or permit space procedures will be required. Appendix K GUIDANCE FOR ELECTRICAL VAULT ENTRIES Electrical vault pits are considered permit spaces. The main hazard of concern is electricity. There may also be an oxygen deficient or oxygen enriched atmosphere. Prior to entering the space, a pre-entry hazard assessment should be made. The main power to the space must be shut off. The atmosphere must be tested. If the power is shut off, and the atmosphere is acceptable, these spaces can be reclassified as non-permit spaces for the duration of that entry. If an atmosphere hazard is present and the electrical hazard can be eliminated, then alternate entry procedures can be used for the entry. If the electrical hazard cannot be eliminated or controlled from outside the space, then permit space procedures will be required.     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