ࡱ> U ڋbjbjnn .(aaڃ         Tt$ 56666"#Z5\5\5\5\5\5\5$69z5 ***5  665---* 6 6Z5-*Z5--r 1T16@ǵP+t1F55051:z,:11R: 4d=$%:-/'+(=$=$=$55b-=$=$=$5****:=$=$=$=$=$=$=$=$=$ B : Laser SafetySTANDARD PRACTICE 黨 LASER SAFETY MANUAL 2020  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Policy" 1. Policy  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Scope" 2. Scope  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Definitions" 3. Definitions  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "General" 4. General  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Hazards%20of%20Laser%20Radiation%20and%20Biological%20Effects" 5. Hazards of Laser Radiation and Biological Effects  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Radiation%20Hazards%20to%20the%20Eye%20and%20Skin" 5.1 Radiation Hazards to the Eye and Skin  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Electrical%20Hazards" 5.2 Electrical Hazards  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Chemical%20Associated%20Hazards" 5.3 Chemical Associated Hazards  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Miscellaneous%20Hazards" 5.4 Miscellaneous Hazards  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Laser%20Classification" 6. Laser Classification  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Class%201" 6.1. Class 1  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Class%202" 6.2 Class 2  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Class%203a" 6.3 Class 3a  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Class%203b" 6.4 Class 3b  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Class%204" 6.5 Class 4  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "General%20Laser%20Safety%20Requirements" 7. General Laser Safety Requirements  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "2Class%201" 7.1. Class 1  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "2Class%202" 7.2 Class 2  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "2Class%203a" 7.3 Class 3a  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Class%203b%20and%204" 7.4 Class 3b and 4  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Warning%20Signs%20and%20Labeling%20Requirements" 8. Warning Signs and Labeling Requirements  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Warning%20Signs" 8.1 Warning Signs  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Labeling" 8.2 Labeling  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Protective%20Equipment" 9. Protective Equipment  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Protective%20Eyewear" 9.1 Protective Eyewear  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Other%20Protective%20Equipment" 9.2 Other Protective Equipment  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Roles%20and%20Responsibilities" 10. Roles and Responsibilities  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Laser%20Safety%20Officer" 10.1 Laser Safety Officer  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Laser%20User" 10.2 Laser User  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Laser%20Operator" 10.3 Laser Operator  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Training" 11. Training  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "Laser%20Accidents%20and%20Incidents" 12. Laser Accidents and Incidents  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "References" 13. References Appendices A:  HYPERLINK "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/Laser_Safety.html" \l "A-1" A-1 Class 3a, 3b, and 4 Requirements Summary B: Laser Registry C: Standard Operating Procedure for the Spectra-Physics INDI-50 Nd:Yag Laser D: Training Documentation for Spectra-Physics INDI-50 Nd:Yag Laser Policy 黨s (MSU) policy is to protect personnel and property from harmful exposure to laser radiation. The Laser Safety Program described herein is primarily based on the American National Standards Institute Guide for the Safe Use of Lasers (ANSI Z136.1-2000). This guide is widely accepted and used within the fields of industry, education, research, and medicine. All lasers and laser systems must also be operated in accordance with federal guidelines (21 CFR J Radiological Health and 29 CFR 1910 Environmental Health and Safety Standards). Scope MSUs Environmental Safety and Health Department (ESH) regulates lasers on the MSU campus. Laboratories with high-powered lasers (Class 3a, 3b, and 4) require special safety procedures. Definitions accessible emission limit (AEL) The maximum accessible emission level permitted within a particular class. continuous wave (CW) The output of a laser which is operated in a continuous rather than a pulsed mode. In this standard, a laser operating with a continuous output for a period = 0.25 seconds is regarded as a CW laser. controlled area An area where the occupancy and activity of those within is subject to control and supervision for the purpose of protection from radiation hazards. maximum permissible exposure (MPE) The level of laser radiation to which a person may be exposed without hazardous effect or adverse biological changes in the eye or skin. shall The word shall is to be understood as mandatory. should The word should is understood as advisory. General Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser produces an intense, coherent, directional beam of radiation in the ultraviolet, visible, or infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. There is a high concentration of energy per unit area both at the laser end and at the far end of the beam. Laser radiation transmits energy which, when a laser beam strikes matter, can be transmitted, absorbed, or reflected. A material that transmits a laser beam is transparent. If the beam is not transmitted, the material is opaque and the incident radiation is absorbed or reflected. Absorbed laser energy appears in the target material as heat. (At certain, usually short, wavelengths photochemical reactions may also occur.) Absorption and transmission are functions of the chemical and physical characteristics of the target material and the wavelength of the incident radiation. Reflection is primarily a function of the physical character of the targets surface material. A smooth polished surface is generally a good reflector. A rough uneven surface usually is a poor reflector, causing the reflected energy to be scattered in all directions thereby reducing the energy or power density, producing a diffuse reflection. A reflector such as a flat mirror changes the direction of an incident beam with little or no absorption. A curved mirror or surface will change the divergence angle of the impinging laser beam as well as its direction. Hazards of Laser Radiation and Biological Effects 5.1 Radiation Hazards to the Eye and Skin Biological effects from laser radiation depend on the radiant exposure, wavelength, source size, exposure time, environmental conditions, and individual susceptibility. The eye is the most important organ to protect. At visible wavelengths, laser radiation impinging on the eye is focused on the retina and, if sufficient energy is absorbed, can cause cell destruction. The focusing effect of the cornea and lens can concentrate energy on the order of 100,000 times on the retina. This can cause burning of the retina. At longer and shorter wavelengths, such as the far infrared and the ultraviolet, radiation striking the eye is absorbed in the cornea and the lens rather than being focused on the retina. Although these structures are less easily damaged than the retina, excessive energy absorption can cause cell damage and impairment of vision. The skin and eyes are equally vulnerable in the ultraviolet and infrared regions of the spectrum. Low-powered and medium-powered lasers often do not cause skin injuries. High-powered Class 4 (See Section 6.5) lasers can cause injury to the skin as well as the eyes. A skin burn will normally heal, whereas an eye injury can cause scarring or permanent loss of vision. There are usually no eye hazards from viewing laser beams reflected from a dull or rough surface. The energy from the laser beams are often dispersed and scattered in different directions. Lasers reflected from a flat shiny surface can be nearly as intense as the original laser beam. Protective eyewear (See Section 9.1) is often worn to protect the eyes. 5.2Electrical Hazards Most laser power supplies have the potential of causing electrical shock. Capacitors are used for pulsed lasers, and continuous-wave lasers use high voltage power supplies. Electrical maintenance of lasers must be performed by knowledgeable persons. 5.3Chemical Associated Hazards Explosive and highly toxic materials are sometimes used in laser research laboratories. A high-powered laser beam can vaporize an object and release hazardous airborne contaminants. Liquid nitrogen and other cryogenic fluids may be used as a coolant for certain laser systems. When these cryogenic fluids evaporate, they replace atmospheric oxygen. It is important to ensure that the laser laboratory is properly ventilated if toxic materials or cryogenic fluids are used with lasers. 5.4Miscellaneous Hazards Fire hazards exist in and around some laser operations, but are usually limited to continuous-wave lasers with an output power above 0.5 watts. High-voltage laser power supplies may produce lower-energy x-rays, but sufficient shielding is normally installed in commercial lasers to prevent x-ray leakage. Laser Classification Lasers are classified in terms of their potential to cause biological damage. The pertinent parameters are laser output energy or power, radiation wavelength, exposure duration, and cross sectional area of the laser beam at the point of interest. Most commercial lasers have an attached label specifying the classification of that laser. The hazard classification of a laser can be determined using ANSI Z136.1-2000 Section 3 and Appendix A. (The department of Environmental Safety and Health keeps a copy of this standard for reference) 6.1 Class 1 A Class 1 laser is considered to be incapable of producing damaging radiation levels, and is, therefore, exempt from most forms of surveillance. Example: laser printers 6.2 Class 2 Class 2 lasers and laser systems are visible (0.4 to 0.7 um) continuous wave (CW) and repetitive-pulse lasers and laser systems which can emit accessible radiant energy exceeding the appropriate Class 1 accessible emission limit (AEL) for the maximum duration inherent in the design or intended use of the laser or laser system, but not exceeding the Class 1 AEL for any applicable pulse (emission) duration < 0.25 seconds and not exceeding an average radiant power of 1mW. A Class 2 laser is a low-powered laser in the visible range that may be viewed directly under carefully controlled exposure conditions. These lasers are considered safe because the natural reflex of the eye will prevent average exposure from causing damage. Example: laser pointers 6.3 Class 3a Class 3a lasers and laser systems include lasers and laser systems which have an accessible output between 1 and 5 times the Class 1 AEL for wavelengths shorter than 0.4 um or longer than 0.7 um, or less than 5 times the Class 2 AEL for wavelengths between 0.4 and 0.7 um. Class 3a lasers will normally not produce injury if viewed only momentarily by the unaided eye. The Class 3a lasers may be a hazard if viewed using optics, e.g., telescopes, microscopes, or binoculars. Example: HeNe lasers above 1 milliwatt, but not exceeding 5 milliwatts; some laser pointers 6.4 Class 3b Class 3b lasers and laser systems include: Ultraviolet (0.18 to 0.4 um) and infrared (1.4 um to 1 mm) lasers and laser systems which can emit during any emission duration within the maximum duration inherent in the design of the laser or laser system, but which (a) cannot emit an average radiant power in excess of 0.5 W for = 0.25 seconds or (b) cannot produce a radiant energy greater than 0.125 Joules within an exposure time < 0.25 seconds. Visible (0.4 to 0.7 um) or near-infrared (0.7 to 1.4 um) lasers or laser systems which emit in excess of the AEL of Class 3a but which (a) cannot emit an average radiant power in excess of 0.5 W for = 0.25 seconds and (b) cannot produce a radiant energy greater than 0.03 Joules per pulse. Class 3b lasers may cause severe eye injuries through direct or specular exposure. Examples: continuous lasers not exceeding 0.5 watts for any period greater than 0.25 seconds, pulsed visible lasers not emitting more than 0.03 joules per pulse, pulsed infrared or ultraviolet lasers not emitting more than 0.125 joules during any period less than 0.25 seconds. 6.5 Class 4 Class 4 lasers and laser systems are those that emit radiation that exceeds the Class 3b AEL. Class 4 lasers are a hazard to the eye from the direct beam, specular reflections, and sometimes even from diffuse reflections. Class 4 lasers can also start fires and can damage skin. Example: lasers operating at power levels greater than 500 milliwatts for continuous wave lasers or greater than 0.03 Joules for a pulsed system. General Laser Safety Requirements A summary of the laser safety requirements for Class 3a, 3b, and 4 is in Appendix A. 7.1 Class 1 No user safety rules are necessary, but looking into the direct beam should be discouraged as a matter of good practice. 7.2 Class 2 Never allow a person to continuously stare into the laser source. Never direct the laser beam at a persons eye. 7.3 Class 3a (include all Class 2 requirements and the following) A Laser Warning Sign should be posted in accordance with Section 8.1. Appropriate warning labels shall be posted in accordance with Section 8.2. The beam path should be enclosed as much as possible to prevent an individual from placing their head or reflecting objects into the beam path. The laser system shall only be used under the supervision of a responsible person who is familiar with the potential hazards of the laser. 7.4 Class 3b and 4 (include all Class 2 and 3a requirements and the following) Protective housing which encloses the laser shall be provided with an interlock system which is activated when the protective housing is opened or removed during operation and maintenance. Fail-safe interlocks shall be provided for any portion of the protective housing which, by design, can be removed or displaced during operation and maintenance. Portions of the protective housing that are only intended to be removed from any laser or laser system by the service personnel, which then permits direct access to laser radiation shall either: (1) be interlocked (fail-safe interlock not required) or (2) require a tool for removal and shall have an appropriate warning label on the panel If the interlock can be bypassed or defeated, a warning label with the appropriate indications shall be located on the protective housing near the interlock. A Class 3b laser or laser system should be provided with a master switch. A Class 4 laser or laser system shall be provided with a master switch. This master switch shall effect beam termination and/or system shutoff and shall be operated by a key, or by a coded access. The laser beam path shall be controlled. Section 4.3.6 of the ANSI Z136.1-2000 describes ways to control the beam path. A Class 3b laser or laser system should be provided with a permanently attached beam stop or attenuator. A Class 4 laser or laser system shall be provided with a permanently attached beam stop or attenuator. Class 3b lasers shall be operated in a controlled area, unless the beam path is completely enclosed. Class 4 lasers shall be operated in a controlled area, where all entryway safety controls shall be designed to allow both rapid egress by laser personal at all times and admittance to the laser controlled area under emergency conditions. If the laser is not fully enclosed, laser operation shall be in a light-tight room with interlocked entrances to assure that the laser will shut off when the door is opened. Whenever appropriate and possible, Class 4 lasers or laser systems should be controlled and monitored at a position as distant as possible from the emission portal of the laser or laser system. Standard operating procedures should be written for Class 3b lasers, and shall be written for Class 4 lasers. For Class 3b lasers, a warning light or buzzer should indicate laser operation. This is especially important when the beam is not visible, i.e. Class 3b ultraviolet or infrared lasers. For Class 4 lasers, a warning light or buzzer shall indicate laser operation. Warning Signs and Labeling Requirements 8.1Warning Signs Warning signs are not required for Class 1 and 2 lasers. An area which contains a Class 3a laser or laser system should have a Caution Warning Sign (Figure 8.1-1).  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/images/Caution%20Sign.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Figure 8.1-1 Caution Sign All areas with Class 3b and 4 lasers shall have a Danger Warning Sign (Figure 8.1-2).  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://campus.umr.edu/ehs/Radiological_Information/images/Danger%20Sign.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Figure 8.2-2 Danger Sign The laser hazard symbol (a sunburst pattern consisting of two sets of radial spokes of different lengths and one long spoke, radiating from a common center) is on both the Caution Warning Sign and the Danger Warning Sign. Sign information and warnings shall conform to the following specifications: (1) Above the tail of the sunburst, special precautionary instructions or protective action may be applicable, for example: Laser Protective Eyewear Required Invisible Laser Radiation Knock Before Entering Do Not Enter When Light is On Restricted Area (2) Below the tail of the sunburst, the type of laser (i.e. Nd:YAG, Helium-Neon, etc.), or the emitted wavelength, pulse duration (if appropriate), and maximum output shall be written or printed. (3) In the bottom right-hand corner of the Caution and Danger Warning Signs, the class of the laser or laser system shall be written or printed. 8.2 Labeling Class 2 lasers or laser systems should have appropriate warning labels with the sunburst logotype symbol (located in both Figures 8.1-1 and 8.1-2) and an appropriate cautionary statement. Class 3a, 3b, and 4 lasers or laser systems shall have appropriate warning labels with the sunburst logotype symbol (located in both Figures 8.1-1 and 8.1-2) and an appropriate cautionary statement. The label shall be affixed to a conspicuous place on the laser housing or control panel. Protective Equipment 9.1 Protective Eyewear Eye protection devices which are specifically designed for protection against radiation from Class 3b lasers or laser systems should be administratively required and their use enforced when engineering or other procedural and administrative controls are inadequate to eliminate potential exposure in excess of the applicable maximum permissible exposure (MPE). Eye protection devices which are specifically designed for protection against radiation from Class 4 lasers or laser systems shall be required and their use enforced when engineering or other procedural and administrative controls are inadequate to eliminate potential exposure in excess of the applicable MPE. Laser protective eyewear is usually not required for Class 2 and Class 3a lasers or laser systems except in conditions where intentional long-term (>0.25 seconds) direct viewing is required. Laser protective eyewear may include goggles, face shields, spectacles, or prescription eyewear using special filter materials or reflective coatings (or a combination of both) to reduce the potential ocular exposure below the applicable MPE level. Eyewear shall have the following requirements: (1) Protective eyewear shall be used only at the wavelength and energy/power for which it is intended. (2) Label the protective eyewear with the laser type and/or light wavelength that the eyewear is designed for. (3) Keep protective eyewear in good condition. Replace damaged or defective eyewear. ANSI Z136.1-2000 Section 4.6.2 can be used to select appropriate eyewear. 9.2 Other Protective Equipment Protective eyewear should not be considered the primary means to protect against laser radiation. Protective equipment such as beam stops, shields, safety interlocks, and warning lights and horns shall be maintained in proper operating condition and shall be utilized whenever indicated to prevent harmful exposure to laser radiation. Roles and Responsibilities 10.1 Laser Safety Officer A laser safety officer (LSO) shall have the responsibility and authority to monitor and enforce the control of laser hazards and effect the knowledgeable evaluation and control of laser hazards. The Radiation Safety Officer will designate a LSO. The LSO for MSU is Gay Wellinghurst and she can be reached at #6752. The LSO responsibilities include the following: (1) Maintain records of all Class 3b and 4 lasers and laser operators (2) Perform a periodic inspection of laser equipment (3) Provide appropriate warning signs for posting (4) Provide guidance on proper protective eyewear (5) Assist Laser User with the controlled laser area and laser protection enclosures (6) Participate in accident investigations involving lasers (7) Periodically audit the departmental Laser Safety Program (8) Maintain the laser safety training program 10.2 Laser User A Laser User is the person responsible for the use and maintenance of a laser. Laser Users are responsible for the following: (1) Comply with the requirements of the Laser Safety Manual and the LSO (2) Notify the LSO of any new Class 3 and Class 4 lasers on the MSU campus, or any major changes to a current Class 3 or 4 laser. (3) Notify the LSO of any suspected overexposures to the laser beam (4) Responsible for training persons who work with the laser 10.3 Laser Operator Laser Operators include persons who use the laser equipment. Laser operators shall use the laser equipment in accordance with the Laser Safety Manual. Training Laser safety training program shall be required for Class 3b and 4 lasers and laser systems. Laser safety training program should be required for Class 2 and Class 3a lasers and laser systems. The LSO will provide assistance, if needed, for creating and implementing a laser safety training program. The laser safety training program should include the information in ANSI Z136.1-2000 Section 5. Laser Accidents and Incidents Persons receiving or suspected of having received a harmful laser light exposure must report such a fact or suspicion immediately to the named responsible person and the LSO. The LSO can be reached during business hours at 809-6752. For all emergencies, contact Public Safety at 809-2222. References American National Standard for Safety Use of Lasers; ANSI Z136.1-2000. Laser Safety Manual; University of Missouri-Rolla; 2004. 21 CFR Subchapter J Radiological Health. 29 CFR Part 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Appendix A Class 3a, 3b, and 4 Requirements Summary Table A-1 Requirements Summary Requirement Laser Class 3a 3b 4 Warning Signs -- X X Warning Labels X X X Enclosed Beam Path -- -- -- Supervision and/or use by knowledgable person X X X Interlocks on Removable Protective Housing X X Service Access Panel Locks X X Key Control (master switch) -- X Beam Path Control X X Beam Stop or Attenuator -- X Laser Controlled Area X X Controlled Operations (distant operation) -- Standard Operating Procedures -- X Warning Light or Buzzer -- X Protective Eyewear -- X Training -- X X -- Recommended X Required    Appendix B: LASER REGISTRY  I. PI Information Principal Investigator ________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ Department ________________________________________ School ___________________________ Date _______________________________ II. Personnel who use laser system Name MSU ID# Status (student or staff) __________________________ ____________________ __________________________ __________________________ ____________________ __________________________ __________________________ ____________________ __________________________ III. Laser System Information 1. System location (Building/Room#) ________________________________________ 2. Laser warning sign on door (Y/N) ________________________________________ Wording on sign ________________________________________ 3. Do users wear safety goggles? ________________________________________ Type/Manufacturer ________________________________________ 4. Are goggles available for visitors? ________________________________________ Type/Manufacturer ________________________________________ 5. Service for laser: in-house (Y/N) ________________________________________ Contract service company's name ________________________________________ 6. Is there a written SOP available? ________________________________________ Complete table below: Manufacturer Laser 1 Laser 2 Laser 3 Model # Serial # Class (1,2,3a,3b,4) Type (CW,Pulsed) Description (ie; He-Ne,ND: YAG) Wavelength(s) Maximum Power/Peak Power (Watts or Joules) Pulse Duration (repetition rate) Emerging Beam Dimensions (mm) Use (holography, alignment, etc.) Return completed form to: ESH, 615 Gilbert Graves Drive, 黨  INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.ehrs.upenn.edu/images/dots/round_arrow_blue.gif" \* MERGEFORMATINET  Appendix C: Spectra-Physics INDI 50 Nd:YAG Laser Standard Operating Procedure Blackburn Science Building IMPORTANT NOTES ON LASER SAFETY The INDI 50 is a pulsed Nd:YAG laser which emits 1064 nm (infrared and hence invisible to the eye) fundamental and a 532 nm (green to the eye) frequency-doubled line. Both of these lines are extremely intense, with output intensities in the range of 10-100 megawatts per square centimeter. Direct exposure of the eye to either line poses the risk of permanent blindness. To preclude direct hits to the eye, the laser goggles, which absorb more than 99.999% of the intensity in both lines, must be worn at all times the laser is operational. Nevertheless, it is essential that operators never to hold their eyes at beam level, even while wearing the safety goggles. Students are NEVER to perform laser alignment procedures except under the direct supervision of Dr. James Rogers. In addition to direct hits, reflections - which can be difficult to detect and locate can also damage the eye. Accordingly, laser goggles must be worn by any individual in the laboratory when the laser is operational. To minimize the possibility of reflections, laser operators whose hands may access laser beams should remove watches and all jewelry. Direct exposure of the skin to the output from the INDI-50 (particularly to the 1064 fundamental) can burn the skin. Accordingly, care should be taken to keep exposed areas of the skin out of the beam path. Beam reflections pose little dermatological risk. In addition to the risks to the eye and skin, the INDI-50 is powered by a high voltage power supply located under the laser table. Direct exposure to these circuits, which are accessed by opening the power supply itself or by opening the Nd:YAG laser head (the white rectangular box connected to the power supply via hoses) CAN BE FATAL. Accordingly, the power supply and the laser head are NEVER to be opened except under the direct supervision of Dr. James Rogers. IN THE UNLIKELY EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY, CALL 911. LASER GOGGLES MUST BE WORN BY ALL PERSONS IN LASER LAB AT ALL TIMES WHEN LASER IS ACTIVE Normal Start-up Procedure: Note: Steps 8-12 apply only when the laser has been inactive for more than one month, has recently been aligned, or manifests abnormal power characteristics. PUT LASER SAFETY GOGGLES ON. You will find them in a box on the shelves to the left of the sink. Close door and turn the red Laser Switch on. Set the control panel as follows: ControlSettingLAMP ENERGY knobSTARTREP RATE source switchFIXEDQ-SWITCH MODE switchQ-SWINT/COMPUTER switchINTSINGLE SHOT/REP switchSINGLE SHOTLAMP ON/INHIBIT switchLAMP ONTurn the MAIN POWER circuit breaker on the power supply to the ON position. Insert the laser key into the keyswitch. You will find the laser key in the same box as you found the laser safety goggles. Turn the key to the START position and let go. Wait about 5 minutes, then turn the LAMP ENERGY knob to approximately of maximum. In the event that the laser has not been used for more than a month has been aligned immediately prior to use, or manifests abnormal power characteristics, obtain a burn pattern to check for proper alignment and any optical damage. Place a piece of burn paper in a transparent plastic bag, then place it in the beam path near the sample holder. Press the handheld SINGLE SHOT fire button once. If the burn pattern is symmetrical, set the Q-SWITCH MODE switch to Q-SW and adjust its DELAY control for maximum output energy. Obtain another burn pattern as per step 7. If the second burn pattern is symmetrical, you can safely raise the LAMP ENERGY control to maximum and increase the repetition rate by setting the REP RATE: MODE switch to VARIABLE and increasing the rate to the level desired. If the burn pattern(s) are NOT symmetrical, ask Dr. Rogers to check the alignment of the crystals in the harmonic generator before proceeding. Normal Shut-down Procedure: WARNING: You can damage the laser if you do not shut it down properly. Reduce the output to zero by turning the LAMP ENERGY control to START. Allow the water to flow for AT LEAST an additional 5 to 10 minutes to cool down the lamp and rod. This is important for proper cool-down! Turn off the keyswitch on the power supply and turn off the MAIN POWER circuit breaker. Turn the red Laser Switch off. This completes the shut-down procedure. This system is a Class 4 laser, as defined by ANSI Z136.1-2000. For a system in this classification, special training and medical surveillance requirements exist. All users must meet these requirements before laser work begins. Medical Surveillance A baseline medical examination must be completed by an ophthalmologist, as specified in ANSI Z136.1-2000 Section 6.3.2 and Appendix E2.2. This exam will be furnished by the university at no cost to the individual user. Results of the examination will become part of the employees university medical records and maintained by the Laser Safety Officer or other designee. An exit exam at the termination of employment is advised. Immediate medical care is necessary if eye injury is suspected. Training Each user should read this entire Standard Operating Procedure and review the Laser Safety Manual. Each user should also be familiar with ANSI Z136.1-2000, and should know where to find a copy of this laser standard. The laboratory supervisor must provide hands-on training to each user, verifying that each user can successfully complete the standard start-up and shut-down procedure. A copy of the training document should be completed by the user and signed by the user and lab supervisor. This document must be returned to and maintained by the Laser Safety Officer or other designee. Appendix D: TRAINING DOCUMENTATION Spectra-Physics INDI-50 Nd:YAG Laser Blackburn Science Building I have read the Standard Operating Procedure for this laser, and I am familiar with its contents. I know the proper personal protective equipment for use in laboratory tasks involving the laser listed above. I am familiar with proper use and care of this equipment. I know where this equipment is located, and agree to use it as specified in the Standard Operating Procedure. I have completed an eye exam with an ophthalmologist, and have requested that the results be sent to the MSU Laser Safety Officer or other designee. ______________________________Worker Name ______________________________ Signature ______________Date I certify that this employee has completed the training above, and has completed hands-on training under my supervision. ______________________________ Supervisor Name ______________________________ Signature ______________ Date   !89:MNRST  % & ' (   f g     " # 1 2 K L N O ԾԺԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲԲ h?C0Jjh?CUhN ^h?C0JCJ0aJ0 h?C0J hX,0Jh?Ch?C0J5CJ\aJh?CCJaJ#h?CB*CJ0OJQJ^JaJ0phD !:NSd|$If $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$Qkd$$IfT(/+\+ @ 3f\+634ap 3fyt?CT $$Ifa$ >?KLRS*+78>?#$%&45ABHI"#/067ABlmstUVbcef`awx~h?Cjh?CU h?C0J^%&?@FG+,?@AB-.OPQR56bcdiklz|ÿδhFc>*B*phh,>*B*phhsKh,B*phh,h,h,B*phhsKB*phhsKh?CB*phhsKh?C>*B*ph h?C0Jjh?CUh?C?|&,-Lejlq&'23R~% G !!D!K!'P'V'|'--..00 2!234 44A4K44578>:H:>>>>>J@k@@@NAUAAACҽh''h2I h?C>*hN ^hX,h?C 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